
Friday, 13 February 2015

Paedophiles flock to Galway and Cork.

“People should also realise that due to the laziness, debauchery and stupidity of the Irish Garda Síochána and the lax attitude of Irish communities, paedophiles, knowing their acts of child abuse will go unchallenged, view Ireland as a safe haven – these kinds of people are liable to flock there for the easy pickings.”
Sean Johnson, a paedophile who rented a room in a Galway city library.
British paedophile, Sean Johnson – a registered sex offender in the United Kingdom – knew what to do when it got too hot for him at home. He, lured by the couldn’t-care-less attitude of the Irish to paederasty, decamped to the Republic of Ireland.

The shocking activities he got away with in Galway and Cork is documented in the Irish Times but people should be aware of the more subtler points of Johnson’s disgusting abuse of children in Ireland.

Johnson first went to Galway where he rented a room in a public library and enticed parents to bring their children to audition for a bogus TV series. Take a look at Sean Johnson (pictured above) and you’d wonder who’d be naïve enough to believe his cock-and-bull story about him being a documentary maker or being involved in anyway with TV? If this chap came to you wanting to rent a room, and spun a story like that, alarm bells would ring straight away – to say nothing of the fatuous parents who brought their kids to him.

Galway city library.
The Galway and Cork native’s vulgarity, backwardness and greed for easy money means that, no matter how debauched looking the paedophile is, he’ll – as long as he waves ready cash in their faces – be given anything he wants.

After being convicted of illegal activity in Galway Johnson then hightailed it down the road to Cork, and (believe it or not) rented another room and again had parents queuing up with children.

Luckily for these very stupid parents, and the innocent children, Johnson was again caught and his vile activities cut short.

What the article in the Irish Times and other Irish media doesn’t elaborate on is the way this paedophile first came to the Garda’s (Irish police) attention. In Galway Johnson was living in a hostel and while there he rowed with a staff member. This fellow is a paedophile and his sole interest was focused on abusing children: he didn’t provoke this row and did all he could to end it amicably so he could get back to his main business of being a paedophile.

The reason for the row was the staff member’s extreme aggressiveness, bullying and coarseness towards Johnson. When the staff member deemed that Johnson wasn’t being subservient enough he reported him to the Garda. This staff member didn’t report Johnson because they knew, or thought, Johnson was doing something illegal or acting suspiciously.

It’s very common in Galway and Cork for the citizens, when they’re upset with someone, no matter how trivial the reason, to phone the Garda and make a concocted complaint about them1. Basically these loonies will attempt to abuse or bully someone and when their vulgarity isn’t taken they’ll make a disingenuous complaint about the reactor to the Garda.

The Garda are well aware of the citizens propensity to make false allegations and mostly ignore them but have, on occasion, to be seen to follow up on some of them – one of the disadvantages of a backward society is that, very rarely, the inbred lunatic might be telling the truth.

The fact of the matter is that Johnson only came to the attention of the Garda because a staff member in a hostel was upset because their bullying and abuse wasn’t taken. It’s one of the extremely rare incidences where a Galway native’s extreme vulgarity and stupidity did some good.

The alarming aspect of this case is that if Sean Johnson had been able to stomach the Galway hostel worker’s vulgarity, or had rented private accommodation, he’d be still abusing children unhindered in the public library’s premises. ______________________ 1In a good few cases the Garda will actually go out and do the bullying on behalf of the lying complainer. The backward society in Ireland means that a lot of the halfwitted Garda will believe even the most fatuous cock-and-bull story, and thus that the complainee has to be guilty. Others use it simply for an excuse to throw their weight around.
Type of Garda you might very well come across in Ireland:
  • Young Garda in Cork who put his bicycle across a footpath and blocked it just to show off his authority – I’m not exaggerating when I say this chap had the mental age of a 10-year-old.
  • Number of young female Garda, again in Cork, who spent months (might even be still at it) needlessly stopping and searching primary school children as they went to and from school.
  • Thick arsehole Garda in a Subway restaurant in Galway who, after getting his order, turned around and pushed the queue that was stood behind him aside as he made his way to a table – an inbred bastard that hasn’t the cerebral capacity of a lizard.
  • It you were to put all their backwardness and stupidity online you’d overload Google’s servers.


  1. This is a good example – from an article by Louise Roseingrave in the Irish Times – of how Sean Johnson was 100 percent focused on accessing children and not about to bring unnecessary attention on himself by being aggressive or awkward.

    “He stayed for about two months at a homeless hostel run by the Missionaries of Charity, a convent on South Circular Road in Dublin. Sr Edward, who helps run the hostel, says Johnson seemed a very nice man. ‘He gave no trouble. I didn’t find anything wrong with him,’ she says. ‘We take in homeless people. He just came asking for accommodation. He told us about his background, and that was confidential, of course . . . They are given bed and breakfast. They can stay overnight and go away in the morning and come back in the evening.’”

    The inbred bullies in Galway aren’t able to run a hostel (or anything else) without abusing those who sought accommodation there. As I’ve already said: it’s one of those very rare cases where inbred west of Ireland backwardness actually did some good.
