
Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Cork City Council, City Hall, Anglesea Street, Cork, Ireland.

Cork City Council: Walk in to make enquiry and be accosted by dribbling-at-the-mouth inbred halfwit
Cllr. Stephen Cunningham, 189 Silversprings Court, Tivoli, Cork. A typical slackjawed and probably inbred Cork public servant.
The offices of Cork City Council is where to go if you want to get an insight into the sheer vulgarity of this area’s natives; and the type of backward imbecilic sprog that these subhuman Corkonians produce.
On three visits here I was greeted by contemptibly coarse ignoramuses who’d put the morons that are trekking off to join the Islamic State in the half-penny place. Ignorant doesn’t even begin to describe the halfwitted bastards that Cork City Council deem fit to deal with members of the public.
The only mitigation that could be attached to this council’s hiring of mentally retarded and aggressive simpletons is that they don’t know anything else; retarded simpletons make up the vast majority of what’s produced by the typically slackjawed Pict female. And before anyone says I’m being misogynistic: the witless and swivel eyed Cork male, of course, plays an equal part in the begetting of these inbred jerks.

FloorTech, Island House, Island Corporate Park, Little Island, Cork.
John Martin, Office of Public Works, and City Hall, Cork, Ireland.
Paedophiles flock to Galway and Cork.

The only upside to these inbred bastards is that consanguinity is taking a toll on their virility; high numbers of their offspring are being born sterile. I’ll have to be honest and say I find this to be a good thing: to put my agreement with their barrenness in context I’ll point out that not many decent people would like to see Ian Brady, Myra Hindley, Jimmy Savile or Fr Brendan Smyth polluting the planet with mini versions of themselves.
Cork City Council’s offices, Anglesea St.
And these dirty inbred scumbags in Cork city (and the western half of Ireland) are in the same league as murderous peadophiles and child buggering priests.
Anyone I’ve spoken to who is knowledgeable about south-west Ireland has the same opinion of Pict Oirish mongrelism as myself. I had a chat recently with a European gentleman who, in 2006, lived in Cork city for six months. His view of them is, to paraphrase: “It’s a pity the Nazis didn’t manage to occupy the Republic of Ireland for at least three- or four-years. In attempt to get him to be clear about his meaning I suggested: “The Nazis would not have been too impressed with [Pict] Oirish slowness and backwardness”. He replied: “That’s the understatement of the millennium, the Nazis would have immediately put down the lot of them”.

Martin Ryan: Manager - Retail Network, An Post, Ireland.
Neil Prendeville, (Ex Cork 96FM) Red FM, Cork, Ireland.
Michael Stroke-Fahy, Ardrahan, Galway, Ireland.

Child killers, Myra Hindley and Ian Brady: no one would want to see this pair reproduce themselves.
That the Nazis would have exterminated 90-percent of the Republic of Ireland’s population is beyond doubt, but something occurred to me just as he said it. And that was, if the Nazis had spent three-or four-years occupying Ireland, and if this was the first sovereign state they had conquered, it would have, very probably, saved many lives in any future territories they overran. That’s because when the Nazis experienced the propensity the Pict Oirish have for atrocious backwardness, aggression and sub-humanity they’d have come to see that all those others, whom they had formerly looked-down-on, were quite normal human beings.
Another occurrence I had was that the Pict Oirish, with their grubby hands forever out begging from Brussels, had better pray vociferously that no one else like Hitler ever shows up in Europe. The Paddies might strut around these days with a smug grin on their slackjawed gobs and the proceeds of their begging stuffed in their back pockets; but if Vladimir Putin turns out to be a megalomaniac like the Fuhrer was they’d better be careful. Any hard-right autocratic tyrant that comes upon Pict Oireland’s stupidity and self-pitying begging will be apt to take a very hard line with them.

SOLAS (formerly FAS) Training Centre,
St Patrick’s Day in Cork City, Ireland.
Cork Airport, Ireland.

And that’s to say nothing of the billions of euros that the European taxpayers have thrown at the Oirish over the last 40-years, all of which has been squandered by the witless moronic Paddies. All this money would have been far better spent on Europe’s defences: in readiness for the despot with an eye for expansion (Putin) or to rein in the religious fanatics (Islamic State) who want to internationalise decapitation and marriage to children.

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