
Wednesday, 12 February 2014

John Martin, Office of Public Works, and City Hall, Cork, Ireland

He seemingly finds it hard to figure the way water flows
Here’s where the idiots cut through retaining walls to lay a footbridge – laughable or what?
The slack-jaws in Cork are whinging like scalded cats about the floods of water which they have to wade around in.
Do the inbred idiots realise that cutting gaps (picture right) in retaining walls might have something to do with their homes and businesses being water-logged?
John Martin1, an official of the Irish Office of Public Works (OPW), when asked why the River Lee’s tributaries weren’t dredged replied: “the dredging of rivers was complex2 ... it would not work ... as the flooding is tidal ... no matter what is removed, the water will come in at a particular level”.
John Martin keeps up the
idiotic reputation when
he gets time away from
the mirror.
It’s when the water goes above a “particular level” that flooding will occur and you’d expect Martin to know that an inordinately high tide can be exacerbated by an inflow from landward. Especially in a tidal river such as the Lee which flows through Cork City centre.
Mr Martin probably needs showing the basin example: Place a large 5-litre bowl on a dry surface and carefully fill it to the brim with water – such as Archimedes did when detecting the amount of alloy in gold.
Then fill a coffee cup with water and tell thick Paddy (John Martin?) to watch carefully as you add the contents of the small cup to the bowl. And low and behold the formerly dry surface will now be wet. On a much smaller scale this mimics the effects you get when you have water gushing from the Lee and its tributaries into an estuary with a spring tide and a strong seaward wind.    
The British when they ruled Cork, unlike John Martin, were fully aware of where the danger came from and constructed weirs and defensive walls. While the British were there to maintain them these constructions kept abnormal tides at bay, and the city dry.
Then the inbred Pict paddy got control and repairs on Cork’s river walls and weirs stopped. Not even a fallen brick was replaced in over 90-years. They were left to crumble, the concrete which held them together turned to dust, and the biggest problem the natives had was kicking loose bricks out of their way as they ambled along the banks of the lee.
Mr Cork Slack-jaw paddles amidst the excrement.
In 2009 the first major chicken came home to roost, a spring tide with a strong seaward wind brought water levels a little higher. And of course (hear this Mr Martin?) the drain-off from the Lee’s basin added another few million gallons. As if that wasn’t enough an idiot operator, upstream at Inniscarra reservoir, needlessly opened dam sluices and allowed a few more million litres pour in.
The English had gotten their wall heights correct; they were high enough to hold back the wind-driven spring tide and the basins drainage. But, due to the atrocious lack of repair and maintenance, they collapsed.
There was no tidal wave or any violent gush of water, instead water levels rose steadily and peacefully, and if the flood defence walls had gotten even a mediocre amount of maintenance they’d have held, and kept the city, and their butts, dry.
Paddy investigates where all the shit is coming from.
They didn’t hold; instead they crumbled like stacks of straw and left the streets of the city under 2-foot of sewage contaminated water. And again this year, as the defence walls along the river Lee fall apart, the city is flooded; the backward natives are, again, up to their arses in sewage, urine and water.
The sewage system in Cork has also been disgustingly neglected and copious amounts of human excrement can be seen bobbing along the flooded streets. One visitor was shocked to see toilet paper and excrement spewing up in city centre locations. Toilet paper is designed to be absorbed almost instantly in water, and what the visitor was actually seeing was natives flushing their toilets straight onto the streets of the city.  
“Shoes are no fucking good anymore, it’s canoes, that's now where the money is.”
A few years ago, while the river’s walls decayed and turned to debris, you could open the Irish Examiner or Evening Echo and see article after article boasting about how Ireland was the world's third richest country. Now the inbred slack-jawed bastards will be going to Brussels with outreached grubby hands looking for €50,000,000 to repair what they were too busy (bragging about their then riches took up a lot of their time) to fix 10-years-ago.
And when Brussels gives them yet another handout they’ll then proceed, in the manner of sink-estate drunks, to mock and laugh at the German taxpayer. Seeing as the sneering arseholes waited two years before repairing just one small stretch of wall that collapsed in 2009 it's impossible to have any sympathy for them? _______________ 1Head of OPW Flood Risk Assessment & Management Section.

2It’s not in the least complex Mr Martin. It simply involves removing mud, weed and rubbish from the bed of a river, which leaves more space for water. Try putting a stone in your kettle John and you’ll notice it takes less water to fill it.

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