
Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Irish Examiner and Evening Echo, City Quarter, Lapps Quay, Cork City, Ireland.

Staring at outsiders with the intensity of feeding hyenas ...
The fellow on the right somewhat reminds of the typical Cork journalist.
The City Quarter, an area of Cork City that’s home to the public offices of the Irish Examiner and Evening Echo, gives a good indication of how atrociously vulgar this city’s sink-estate denizens are.
When you get to know and see how ignoramusly coarse the supposed intelligentsia is in this part of Ireland you’ll forego all invitations to meet the lower classes, and very quickly high-tail it back to whence you’ve come.
I’ve seen the clerical workers and journalists of these two provincial Irish newspapers on numerous occasions showing themselves, in the general area of these offices, to be complete and utter half-witted jerks.
If you're a visitor to Cork and you happen to walk through this area you’ll most likely experience a local Neanderthal custom which is having the inbred natives puff out their chests and stare directly and ceaselessly into your face.
Whenever the inbred bastards, who populate offices in this area, see a stranger “on their patch” they’ll adopt a full-on stare, and, for what can seem like hours, they will gawk idiotically and shamelessly into your face. It’s as if they consider you to be a trespasser, and they’re letting you know who the owner and boss is.
Fancy name? City Quarter, where 
the inbred Cork arseholes can be 
seen strutting their stuff.
It’s the kind of gawking nurses in mental homes would be well accustomed too, or zoo keepers that spend a lot of time around the monkey’s enclosures. An abnormal stare that the vast majority of the world’s half-witted idiots wouldn’t be capable of. The only comparison which can be made is with monkeys in the wild. Think of Mr Chimpanzee being down out of his tree and gathering fruit on the ground when he spots a monkey from a neighbouring troop approaching.
He, being insecure about his status and food supply, will draw himself to full height, puff out his chest and attempt to stare down the interloper. He’ll glare arrogantly with quivering lip as he attempts to cow the interloper into submission. If the intruder doesn’t baulk Mr Chimpanzee will probably then thump his chest and strut back and forth insinuating physical violence.
And I swear that at times I’ve seen the inbred Cork natives almost do this in and around the City Quarter. Another bullshit act the Cork natives can be regularly witnessed performing is trying to force people to make way for them.
Birds of a feather flock together; two 
Irish politicians who get immense 
coverage in the Irish Examiner 
and Evening Echo.
When meeting someone on the city’s sidewalks they’ll veer across and walk directly towards them in attempt to get them to step aside. It’s an idiotic bully-boy mentality that coerces this ignoramus action, and success brings on some sort of high.
In normal parts of the world even the mentally deranged wouldn’t be as stupid as the upper echelons of Cork society is – not even Mr Chimpanzee would debase himself like this. That the natives can get a thrill out of doing something so moronic shows what truly backward fucking idiots they are. A city with an intelligentsia that acts with the decorum of baboons, no wonder they’re laughed at all over the world.
99.99 per cent of Cork natives are cut from the same cloth as the Irish bank executives, John Bowe and Peter Fitzgerald, who were recorded joking and sneering at the billions of euros the Germans have spent bailing Ireland out.
It’s to be expected that the Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel, was greatly annoyed with this Irish mongrelism. And Enda Kenny, the Irish prime minister, has said “this has damaged our reputation”.
If you live in Cork city for a while and witness the type of backward shit that passes for Irish journalists and intelligentsia you’ll ask “what fucking reputation are you talking about Mr Kenny”?

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