Friday 31 January 2020

St. Brigid’s Mental Hospital, Ballinasloe, County Galway, Ireland

From what Séamus Fahy told us St Brigid’s hospital
isn’t far removed from Hell.
We got to know Séamus Fahy through meeting him, a number of years ago, in a Galway city pub and after our initial apprehension regarding his unstable demeanour we found he had a very interesting story to tell.
On first sight it was very obvious that Mr Fahy was mentally unhinged but as we got to know him over a period of time we found that he was seeking friendship, and wasn’t of the type who’d suddenly set about your person.

Saturday 1 June 2019

Ulster Bank, 19 Mardyke Street, Athlone, Co Westmeath, Ireland

The Teller Looked Atrocious, Built Like a Male Orangutan, a Viciously Ugly Bitch

You have to be a snarling imbecile to
work here.
I’ve been in this branch of Ulster Bank about 7- or 8-times over ten years and on every occasion I’ve been confronted by ignoramuses.
The cretins and buffoons that seem to make up most of the staff1 here didn’t take the normal evolutionary trajectory, i.e. their coarseness and aggression got progressively worse as time went on rather than improve.
My first encounter was with what I can only call a hermaphrodite; to figure if this biped life-form was male or female was impossible. To err on the side of caution you’d be inclined to guess female but I’ve no doubt she’d also be packing a pair of testicles.
She looked atrocious; built like a male prize-fighter, a viciously ugly bitch with a fine moustache and patches of black stubble around her chin. And her manners and temperament matched; she certainly wasn’t designed to imbue anyone with an appreciation of a creator’s capabilities.

Thursday 2 May 2019

Ulster Bank, 33 Eyre Square, Galway City, Ireland

Coarse Ignorant Aggressive Galway Bank Tellers That Are Liable To Spew Your Personal Details & Financial Data All Over Town
Ulster Bank, Galway: The inbred employees might well shout your business all over the west of Ireland.
This Ulster Bank branch in Galway is not only staffed with ignoramus and unstable inbred cretins, its management will actually get upset if customers don't knuckle down and accept their atrocious behaviour.

An ATM machine at this branch swallowed my bank card one evening and upon the bank opening the next day I visited hoping to have the card returned. When I reached the bank I approached a female at reception and explained what I was there for.

A simple job of work. No big deal to go to a bank and make a run of the mill enquiry about your bank card, you might think. But nothing is ever like this in inbred backward Ireland. And most especially in Ireland’s western regions where 90 percent of the offspring are the result of incest and relative on relative rape.

As is the norm for the highly inbred pieces-of-Irish-shit in Galway this bitch on reception immediately showed herself to have the manners of an inebriated jackal. She was a vacant eyed backward cunt who had the demeanour of a turnip eating troglodyte. And, as if all this wasn’t bad enough, she, through a miasma of what smelled like stale urine1, repeated every word I said to her.

When I explained to this imbecilic bitch that, “The ATM had retained my card the previous evening and I’m enquiring about getting it back,” she, like a retarded child, repeated it back to me verbatim2. And she did the same with every further sentence I uttered.

As per Punch Magazine, if you could see into the soul of Galway females this is what they’d look like.
If you’re unfortunate enough to visit Galway you’ll encounter having your words repeated back to you quite a lot. When the consanguineous Galwegians figure out what annoys someone they latch onto it with the eagerness of an egg laden bluebottle welding itself to a rotted piece of meat.

To understand where the Irish in Galway come from on this you could think, for instance, of a badly retarded six-year-old. This retard, after years of trying, finally has found something that really annoys his older sister. She might have been immune to his many former attempts to aggravate her but then he accidently discovered that scraping a fork across a plate drives her crazy.

Scraping a fork on a plate then becomes the retard’s weapon of choice against his sister. If she asks him to stop he’ll simply start scraping ever more vigorously. The sister then realises that it’s a waste of time asking him to desist from doing it and if she’s ever to get the better of the retard she has to pretend his fork scraping doesn’t bother her at all.

The inbred Ulster Bank receptionist had more than a little of a retarded streak bounding around the parts of her brain that coordinate her actions. When I let her know that I was unimpressed with being parroted, the piece-of-shit went at it with all the more eagerness. Like a retard she latched onto what irked me with all the tenacity of a cold-turkey heroin addict hunting for his next fix.

As historical cartoon shows, when you compare vulgar West of Ireland females to ordinary Caucasians the difference is striking.
There was no doubt about it that this Oirish bank receptionist had mental health problems. She was an unintelligent and unteachable vulgar piece-of-shit that no one but the Irish would employ on a bank’s front desk. Ireland has to be the only country in the fucking world where you’d walk into a bank and find a mentally unstable retard like this employed as a receptionist.

Eventually this imbecilic and urine wafting bitch found my card and returned it to me. Unfortunately though it had been somehow damaged and proved to be unusable.

This damaged card led to me discovering that in this branch of Ulster Bank the ignoramus mongrel on reception was only the tip of the iceberg. For a couple of weeks I had to personally enter this branch to make cash withdrawals and I found that Ulster Bank in Galway has very few staff that ARE NOT coarse ignoramus fucktards.

If you went out one day, anywhere outside of Ireland, and tried to put together a group of ignoramus vulgar fucktards like the employees Ulster Bank had working in this Galway branch you’d find it very hard to do.

Galway native’s mannerisms are not far removed from that of wild pigs.    

On the other hand, if you searched the whole of Galway City just looking for a few non-mentally retarded personnel you’d find it extremely difficult to find any. But then, Galway is in an Irish province where it’s practically frowned upon if you marry someone that is further removed relatively than a second cousin.

The typical Ulster Bank employees in Galway are fatuous coarse Irish bastards that would cause even Myra Hindley and Ian Brady to baulk if they came across them.

One ignoramus red-headed female bastard that served me had the temperament and manners of a jackal that was enduring the rigours of castration. She snarled and growled with the ferociousness of a wild sow being gang raped by a herd of boars that had just eaten the contents of an overturned Viagra delivery truck. She once even stood outside the bank’s security screens in the middle of the floor and rolled her eyes upwards when she saw me entering the branch – she came to dislike me because I had asked her if the brother and sister that had bred her were still together.

“How can the Irish be so fucking stupid,” this young girl might well be asking.  

(It’s not so out of the ordinary for brothers and sisters to be fucking each other in Galway. There’s a high probability that this red-headed bitch did have sex with one or more of her brothers. So perhaps I hit a tender spot when I asked her that question.)

This moron, like the receptionist, wasn’t just a fucking retard, she was actually seriously mentally ill. But then, the West of Ireland has more mentally ill denizens per capita than any other area on earth. The main reason for this is reproducing with siblings and first and second cousins.

Oirish woman, Ashling Thompson, broke another woman's jaw in a nightclub fight. When Pict Irish women do battle, you can’t call it a cat-fight.
As if these two loon Irish bitches weren’t enough a young slack-jawed male in his early twenties had also picked up on Ulster Bank’s and Galway's culture of vulgarity. He also made an attempt to throw his weight around with me. But he pulled his horns in when I, with spittle streaming from my lips and my eyes blazing like a demon’s, told him he was a little inbred sister fucking West of Ireland cunt.

This idiot Irish male was stunned to have this fired at him. He’d have been conditioned by the culture in Galway to believe that employment in a bank meant he had the authority to dish out abuse and bullying as he pleased. And no one had the right to resist him. As far as he was concerned the customers would have to meekly accept whatever he threw at them. He simply wasn’t trained or prepared for a customer to turn on him with a high degree of savagery3.

I phoned Ulster Bank Customer Services in Dublin regarding these pieces-of-shit in their Eyre Square branch but ended up speaking to a witless imbecile – a moronic grade-inflated Irish cunt that tried to tell me that the bitches in Galway meant no harm, that I had just misunderstood them.

A letter of complaint to this branch’s manager elicited only a mixture of threats and defensive explanations – a type of childishly defensive response that would be expected from a person with an average IQ of 60. That’s the inbred retarded West of Irish for you. Even if they were stood in front of you covered to their ear lobes with their own shit and stinking to high heaven they’d look you in the eye and deny they had any dirt on them.

Ulster Bank Headquarters, Donegall Square East, Belfast, Northern Ireland.
I then mailed a complaint to Ulster Bank’s headquarters in Belfast. They made no response or acknowledgement whatsoever. They simply completely ignored it. A person suggested to me that Ulster Bank headquarters ignored my complaint because they were fed up to their back teeth with the constant bullshit that was going on in their Republic of Ireland branches. I think this person wasn’t far off the mark.

There’s one very important thing about the type of utter Irish shit that are to be found in Ulster Bank’s employment in Galway or in any other Irish city for that matter: there’s a very real risk that these uneducated vulgar Irish bastards would reveal or divulge a bank customer’s personal details. The backward Irish bank employees wouldn’t even need the enticement of money to divulge a customer’s personal data; these pieces-of-shit would do it just for the fun of it.

You’ve seen above how Ulster Bank’s Irish staff can – like demented hyenas and to their heart’s content – abuse customers and how complaints about them will be ignored or tossed aside by management, even right up to the headquarters in Belfast.

Lazy incompetent Irish “academics” are finding out that grade-inflation is literally shooting themselves in the foot. For a long time Irish college and university certificates have been viewed as worthless abroad. Then foreign companies operating in Ireland cottoned on to it. Job applicants were turning up with diplomas and degrees and within minutes showing they were incapable of following a storyline in a child’s comic.

Which means you’re dealing with mentally unstable and highly vulgar imbeciles who have no fear whatsoever of losing their jobs or even being disciplined by their managers. In fact, in the Republic of Ireland the managers are usually as vile as the ranting unstable bitches to be found employed as tellers. A bank’s staff can do whatever they like without fear of reprimand. Which means they can give your personal details to whomever they please, and their management will do nothing about it except sit there with their Irish gobs hanging open.

Iveco after Paddy had it for a few days.
An interesting case in which personal financial data was spread around a town by Irish bank staff concerns the owner of an Iveco dealership in Athlone, Co Westmeath. A competitor was eyeing this dealership at one time because he was planning to set up in competition to it.

There was gossip that the Iveco dealership was nearly bankrupt. But in the midst of these rumours the Iveco dealer tarmacked his very large yard – this didn’t tie in with the stories that he was almost broke. When the rival saw this he wanted to know how much the tarmac job cost and whether the Iveco dealer borrowed money or had the spare cash to pay for it.

To cut a long story short, the rival found out that the Iveco dealer had the spare cash to pay for it and that the job had cost £15,ooo. This info was vital to the rival and he got it quite easily via an Irish bank teller. In fact the rival didn’t even have to pay to get this information from the teller. The inbred Irish bank teller had spewed it all over town because it made her feel important to be in procession of such information – in her idiotic way of thinking, no one would know she had access to such important information if she didn’t tell them and then prove it by giving them the information.

Considering this Iveco dealer and how his financial details were spread around a large town and the atrocious vulgar staff that are inherent to Galway and Irish banks generally, people need to be very careful if dealing with banks in this country.

Tourists buying local currency in Galway City banks are probably putting themselves at risk.

They should to beware of the amount of personal details and data that ignorant and grade-inflated Galway bank tellers have access to whilst the transaction is being conducted. How much information are Irish staff able to view about the tourist’s homeland bank account if a credit or debit card is used to buy the local currency?—is another pertinent question. And tourists should be very careful what access Irish bank employees have to their homeland bank accounts if they get money transferred to a bank in Galway.

Grade inflation: The fire that burns out of control in Ireland.
A few years ago grade-inflated Irish bank tellers could spew a customer’s personal details around only her or his local area. Now with social media the inbred and retarded Galway bank tellers4 can disseminate a customer’s data over a very wide area. What’s really dangerous about the Galway ingrates is that they would do it for no other reason than to simply feel important, or to get revenge on someone higher up the hierarchy who had bullied them or given them too much work to do.

What’s most alarming of all is that if you went to the manager of Ulster Bank in Eyre Square and showed him or her rock hard evidence of staff revealing customer’s personal information you’d be most likely met with insults, aggression and bullying. The Irish are true morons. They don’t like their backwardness being pointed out or highlighted. Complaints from outsiders about one Paddy to another Paddy are always met with aggression and ridicule.

The Irish to be found in Galway and surrounding areas are the worst type of subnormal inbred cretins that are to be found on this planet. They are the dirtiest (I mean this physically and mentally) and coarsest lowest IQ bastards that this world ever spawned.

Before visiting or (God forbid) thinking about living in the backward Irish city of Galway it would be wise to mull over two biblical proverbs about fools.
  • “There is no good way to answer fools when they say something stupid. If you answer them, then you, too, will look like a fool. If you don’t answer them, they will think they are smart”.

This proverb speaks thousands of words about the Irish in Galway. You simply can’t argue, debate or reason with the Galway fool – no matter what, the inbred Galway arseholes will always consider themselves geniuses.
  • “Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm”.

Deal with the Galway fool and you’ll suffer the consequences. Try live with Galway fools and you’ll also suffer consequences. Even visit Galway and its plethora of fools will most likely cause you harmful consequences. Like the proverb says, avoid fools like the plague. Avoid their towns and cities. Like these proverbs tell, you never ever win with fools, especially Irish fools.
1Galway females like to get the best mileage possible out of their knickers. Buying a new pair of knickers is a big undertaking and something they brag to their neighbours about for weeks afterwards. They’ll then don the new knickers and wear it for up to three months, or until it becomes so caked in menstrual blood and excrement that it can be broken off. As far as using washing machines and showers go they have a very small carbon footprint. They don’t consider it a downside that they always smell of stale piss. Because when you have a house or office full of people smelling of stale piss, none of them notices.
2This kind of mimicking is quite common with Oirish ladies west of the Shannon (Connaught) and also in the Cork/Kerry region. I can imagine them all in unison aping Sir Oliver Cromwell when he gave them the ultimatum: “To hell or to Connaught”. Mr. Cromwell, you see, didn’t like the inbred bastards. And it’s not hard to figure out why he disliked them.
3This is what happens when you spend too much time in the company of coarse ignorant Irish mongrels.  They’ll slowly grow on you and crawl under your skin; and before you know it you are adopting their traits and becoming just like them. Travel and new places sometimes doesn’t broaden your mind; in backward holes like Galway City your mind will actually be narrowed. Their backwardness and coarseness will slink into your subconsciousness in much the same way that emigrants in foreign countries gradually and without noticing pick up the host country’s accent.   
4Grade-inflation and general stupidity in Ireland means there’s no bar on vulgar ignorant halfwits being employed in the business world. The Irish, instead of admitting that their low IQ Paddy students can only be trained up to a mediocre level of education, simply dish out college pass certificates and university degrees like confetti at a wedding. Every year very high numbers of grade-inflated vulgar idiots leave Irish colleges and universities clutching pass certificates and degrees that they are in no way qualified to hold.
No matter where you go in Ireland – be it nursing, policing, medical and paramedical, doctors and their receptionists, dentists, dental nurses, bank staff and tellers – you’ll be met with the atrocious affects of grade-inflation. There’s no profession in Ireland where you’ll NOT find dreadfully unintelligent baboon-like mongrels employed – ask the German personnel that went to Ireland a few years ago to work in the Irish Dept of Finance.
If Satan wanted to make Hell more unpleasant he need only follow the cultural template in a typical Irish city such as Galway.   

Tuesday 29 March 2016

Tony O’Brien, Director General, Health Service Executive, Ireland.

Tony O’Brien, Director General, HSE Ireland.
An ignorant Irish gombeen, Tony O’Brien, tweeted his disapproval at my relating how Irish ambulance staff will steal patient’s wallets, watches or anything else they might deem to be of value. (You’d be lucky if the backward inbred Irish bastards didn’t steal your shoes and socks.)
At first I didn’t pay much attention to this particular tweeter and his use of the word “shite”. I assumed he was just another lowbrow Irish mongrel who made his living with a shovel and pickaxe on a UK building site. But then a friend of mine pointed out that he was Director General of the Irish Health Service, or as the slackjawed Paddies call it: Health Service Executive.

Advert in the London Times from the 1800s.
With good reason the Paddies weren’t wanted.
O’Brien’s tweet gives excellent example of how sensitive the backward Irish are to criticism. When you call a non-stupid person stupid they’ll laugh and walk away, but when you call a stupid person stupid they’ll get enormously upset because they’ve been told this so often – and also because they know they are stupid. And so it is with the Irish, call them stupid and they’ll immediately have a hissy-fit and prove themselves even stupider than you had so far thought.
Can you imagine the CEO of any other European health service publicly responding via Twitter with foul language to the assertion that their paramedics steal? They wouldn’t be that stupid, not in a million years. It’s only an inbred backward fucking Irishman that would be capable of doing something so inane and vulgar.
Regarding Irish paramedics, nurses and hospital staff:
The Irish brought their name for
backwardness on themselves. An
1882 image from Punch Magazine
shows the Irish as thugs and thieves.   
You would have no problem in finding paramedics and nurses in Ireland with mental health problems. Irish hospitals are awash with mentally retarded scumbags attempting to do the work of nurses and paramedics. The Paddies shamelessly use grade-inflation in order to get these aggressive ingrates to graduate from college and medical school. And they’ll then be hired by backward Irish hospitals that couldn’t give two-fucks how the patients are treated – just like the Irish dumped 800 babies’ bodies in a cesspit in Galway. The general Irish population are so slackjawed they’ll accept anything that’s thrown at them – someone could piss all over them and they wouldn’t even notice.
A very good indication of the shockingly bad state of Irish education and Irish mentality is how the UK practically refuses to hire nurses from the Republic of Ireland. There’s 250,000 unemployed out of a total Irish population of 4-million, many of whom would be (grade-inflated) nurses. Yet the UK is badly in need of nurses but they spend vast amounts of money recruiting in Spain, Greece and the Philippines. Put simply: Gr Britain’s health authorities don’t want the mentally deficient grade-inflated bastards that is turned out as nurses in the Republic of Ireland.
If Ireland was a normal country with a regular population and educational system the UK would be able to source its full quota of nurses from there alone. But alas, the Irish are the same as they were when Punch Magazine spent almost its entire time sneering at them: they still produce nothing but fucktards who are barely capable of using shovels, pickaxes and mops.  
It doesn’t take much to bring
up O’Brien’s coarseness.  
Tony O’Brien is very typical of the absurd mongrel that’s to be found today in every stratum of Irish management. A type of bastard who probably views mentally retarded morons as being normal: a sign of how atrociously bad Irish society has become is that large sections of the population don’t view mentally disturbed people as having anything wrong with them. There’s such an abundance of mental retards throughout Irish society – most families in the western half of Ireland breed nothing but mentally slow morons – that they have come to be viewed as normal.

Dr Jacinta Barry, Cork

You’ll understand how one couple will view their three dribbling idiots as being normal when all around them has also produced nothing but dribbling idiots. Thus the Irish have no option but to hire slackjawed fools as nurses and paramedics, because non-fools and non-idiots are almost impossible to be found in the Republic of Ireland. And this extends to the management as well: it’s why you can find coarse, inbred, dumb and vulgar bastards like Tony O’Brien managing the Irish Health Service.
I suspect that O’Brien, who I view as an ingrate Gaelic prick, would be more at home running round the bogs of Kerry with Danny and Michael Healy-Rae fantasising about young boy's or girl's arses – it's rumoured for the Kerry men to be young boys they fancy.

An historical advert from the New York Times
shows how the Irish were, with good reason, hated.
Here O’Brien retweets about Limerick, or as it’s more commonly known, Stab City. The only thing that might ever be described as innovative about Limerick is when the thugs use both hands to stab their victims. Or the Limerick lady who innovated by having regular sex with dogs. She eventually died after an allergic reaction to the dog’s sperm – her day job was as a Prep Chef in a Limerick restaurant.
Judging by the numerous slackjawed loons that will be encountered in Limerick I suspect that some of its women have had very successful sexual relations with dogs, and gave birth to their offspring.
Albeit for a time the Limerick thugs got fed-up of knives and instead resorted to setting people on fire. They’d approach their victims with a bottle of petrol, throw it on them and then ignite it – the Irish media plays its part very well in covering up the vile assaults and killings in this debauched city.
You are at risk of being stabbed or burned alive in Limerick for less than the cost of a packet of cigarettes. Under no circumstances should one visit this city or its hinterlands – or have anything to do with the gombeen bastards that is being bred in and around it.

People have often found monkeys to
be a good comparison to the Irish.
This is O’Brien boasting about an Irish mental health nurse receiving a bravery award. Albeit Irish mental health nurses are generally of the type that would make Satan break out in a cold sweat of revulsion.
A lot of students in Ireland are actively encouraged to pursue a career in nursing because, even though they’d be no work in Ireland, it was hoped they would get work abroad, especially England – unfortunately, the English quickly became aware of their grade-inflation and coarseness and didn’t or don’t want them. For a short while the Irish viewed it as the perfect solution to their high unemployment problem: they thought they could simply dish out nursing certificates to any number of ineducable morons and then ship them abroad where they’d find work.  
The vast majority of those who take the advice to train as nurses are always oriented towards working in a regular and mainstream hospital. They’ll generally not countenance working in a mental health facility because the patients in such places are viewed in Ireland as being subhuman; working with them would be a last resort for the typical egotistical inbred Irish student – I was always amazed by the Irish propensity to seek out and belittle those they viewed as even more lowbrow than themselves.

Irish student’s vulgarity caused balcony’s fatal collapse

So, within Ireland the type of people that end up nursing in mental health facilities are always those that were unacceptable or too dumb or too vulgar for mainstream hospitals. And when you consider that they have to actually hire unmenschlich as mainstream nurses means that those bastards who end up working in psychiatric facilities are the lowest of the low. In this country you’ll find that staff in lunatic asylums are sometimes madder than those they are charged with treating.
Shocking abuse was carried out at a facility for the vulnerable in Swinford, Co Mayo. And a man, Séamus Fahy, was buggered and abused by staff in a mental health facility in Co Galway.
Making complaints to the disgustingly backward Irish about any of this would be a waste of time. That’s because, as oft told by Punch Magazine, they’re a shameless inbred subhuman type. If you had mental health problems in Ireland you’d be better off hanging yourself than going near the utter demonic scum that’s to be found in Irish psychiatric facilities.

A tweet by O’Brien that speaks for itself. 446-patients lying on trolleys in hospital corridors, 207 of whom were there over 9-hours. If any of them wanted a cup of tea or something to eat it would be thrown at them by mongrelised inbred Irish hospital staff. And if any of these patients were foolish enough to fall asleep these same inbred staff would steal whatever possessions they had on them.

This retweet by O’Brien shows he is puffed up about the drunken Oirish rebellion in 1916. But why has this arsehole Irish paramedic got his chest weighed down with medals. What did this fucking backward Paddy do to merit having himself laden with bling? Perhaps the slackjawed cunt won them as prizes for successfully robbing patients?

O’Brien tweets here about democracy being precious. It’s beyond me how this stupid Irish bastard can make this claim considering ingrate mongrels like Michael and Danny Healy-Rae can continually get themselves elected to the Irish parliament – democracy would only be precious if it could keep inbred cunts like this out of government.  
And considering the Irish are still squabbling about an election that was held over four weeks ago on the 26 February – something like what you’d get in a central African country – it’s a cheek for the fucktarded O’Brien to make any mention of voting.

An Garda Síochána & Subway, Forster Street, Galway

Michael and Danny Healy-Rae, Kerry politicians

Drunks and idiots shouted and roared for a few days in Dublin, and they Irish called it a rebellion.   
As regards the centenary of the halfwitted Oirish rebellion of 1916: it was nothing more than a bunch of drunks who holed themselves up in a few buildings around Dublin. The British very soon scorched their arses with artillery and gunboats from the Liffey. It took only days before the drunks crawled out, with excrement running down the legs of their trousers, and surrendered.
The Irish have a track record for celebrating defeats and their status as the world’s foremost losers. Some may recall how the Irish supports their team in the World Cup by constantly singing, “You’ll never beat the Irish”. This is strange coming from a bunch of fucktards that never in their history came near winning the World Cup or anything else. A nation of ingrates that never even won a battle since Brien Boru got lucky in the Battle of Clontarf in AD 1011.

The Irish always showed themselves
to be backward morons.   
Here we have O’Brien rehashing a load of wordy bollox from the HSE and mongrels in Cork University Hospital. “Patient pathway symposium” is a type of tripe that’s very typical of the ingrate halfwits to be found in Cork.
A team of witless Irish arseholes could well have spent six months dreaming this soundbite up. The really laughable thing is that 90 percent of the people in this hospital’s catchment area wouldn’t in a million years be able to interpret or work out what this is supposed to mean or what it is about.
It’s also shameless to have this hospital allude to patient pathways considering 9 out of every 10 staff in it are little more than uneducated backward inbred bastards. I’ve seen Irish nurses in this hospital who’d all but scratch your eyes out,; frothing at the mouth ineducable fucking loons.

McDonagh's Seafood Bar, Galway city

What is important to remember about Cork and Ireland generally is that the backward fuckers have gone over the tipping point in regards inbreeding. For every 10-minutes you spend on the streets of Cork city you’ll encounter at least 2 swivel-eyed inbred loons; these won’t keep their lunacy to themselves, rather, they’ll not be able to pass you without trying to elbow you or saying something stupid.
Even more important to keep in mind in that everything the Irish put their hands near will reek of bullshit and dangerous levels of backwardness. These backward cunts aren’t able to run their country, let alone hospitals, to say nothing of hotels, pubs or restaurants. When the Irish have to tolerate lowbrow bastards being hired as nurses and paramedics imagine the type of utter scum that will be found working in the kitchen’s of Irish pubs, hotels and restaurant. They’ll be a type that doesn’t make for very safe food.