
Tuesday, 22 December 2015

Donal McAuliffe, Cork Training Centre (formerly SOLAS, FAS, AnCO), Bishopstown, Cork city, Ireland.

Is there any race on this planet that hasn’t heard rumours about the Irish being stupid, drunken, lazy and backward?

At least all of the European’s taxpayer’s money isn’t
wasted. Some of it is spent on cherry blossoms.
I suspect that if you parachuted into the village of the most obscure Amazonian tribe and asked the first person you met about Ireland they’d say: “ah, the place that everyone talks about, where there’s a lot of drunkenness and the people are little more than white hairless apes”.
If a tribesman did say this he wouldn’t be far wrong. The Irish operate in a different realm to everyone else; it wasn’t celestial provenanced misfortune which, over the centuries, caused millions of Irish to emigrate, rather it was their general stupidity that caused them to make an eternal failure of their homeland.
Donal McAuliffe and the educational facility now known as the Cork Training Centre1 shows just one of the many ways in which the Irish constantly show themselves to be not only egregiously backward and stupid but also completely and utterly shameless. The atrocious carry-on to be witnessed in this European taxpayer funded Irish training centre is beyond parody – the sheer scale of the stupidity to be found here is actually criminal.  
Mr McAuliffe was/is employed in this educational facility as the instructor on an Industrial Automation - Programmable Automation course. This is a 16 week introductory course which is supposed to give pupils a taste of what programming robotic machinery is like. How successful one is on this course dictates whether it’s worth pursuing further training in this discipline.

John Fitzgibbons and Timothy Owens, Cork Education and Training

Elaine Looney and Long Kay, Cork College of Commerce

Cork College of Commerce & An Garda Siochana

Programming robots and automated factory lines isn’t for the feeble minded let alone the mentally retarded. For instance, it would be a waste of time doing this course if you weren’t capable of changing a flat tyre on a car or replacing a lightbulb. But the only qualifications needed to take this course in the Cork Training Centre is basic computer literacy and an ability to differentiate between colours – being colourblind disqualifies a potential student.
The typical Cork boyos don’t have very high IQs.
Computer literacy in Cork means being able to switch on a computer and perhaps also being capable of opening the Microsoft Word application – if you don’t wet the bed night after night in Cork you’re considered educated. Even so, it would be bad enough if the backward Cork bastards stuck to these admittance terms, but they don’t.
I witnessed one of Donal McAuliffe’s classes and it was one of the most disgusting spectacles of Irish backwardness that I’ve ever come across. There were 12 students in the class and 9 of them had no business being there at all. 3 out of this 9 were special needs (fucking swivel-eyed mental retards) and the other 6 ranged from thugs to idiots. One of the thugs was Niall O’Sullivan – it was his criminal antics which led me to know about this fatuous course in the Cork Training Centre.
There were only three people doing this course to whom it might have any value and only one of these was Irish, the other two were Polish. I spoke to the latter two and their opinion was that, whilst they were interested in the subject, it was a waste of time doing the course in the company of so many retards, thugs and idiots – try concentrating in the company of one moron and it’s impossible, let alone nine.

Irish Paederast, Darrage Wiseman, attempts to become teacher

Eleanor Coughlan and Ger Looney, St John’s College, Cork

Ian Spillane, Cork College of Commerce

The course was an episode of fun, frolicing and thuggery for the majority of the class. To teach these Irish arseholes how to tie their shoelaces would be problematic, to say nothing of learning them how to use a computer to programme a piece of automated equipment. They spent their time annoying and pestering the few who were interested in completing and being successful in the course.   

The two Poles were open-mouthed when they realised the stupidity they were amidst.
The only thing that made it tolerable for the two Poles was that while doing this course they were getting their rent paid whilst also being given the cash amount of around €200 per week by the Irish Deptment of Social Protection (IDoSP).  

This also would have been the case with the nine imbeciles; each of them would have been getting rent allowance and a weekly handout from the Irish government – ultimately paid for by the German, French and UK taxpayer. Between the former and the later they’d have been getting anywhere up to €350 per week – any wonder why so many Africans and Asians want to live in Western Europe? Most of them would have been forced by the IDoSP to do some or other educational course in order to retain their weekly out-of-work payments.
Forcing the likes of these 9 witless arseholes to do courses also makes Ireland look good when a UN organisation (UNICEF) does a global wide survey investigating what percentage of each country’s youth are partaking in education. Ireland is awash with witless imbeciles being forced to do educational courses by IDoSP. And when the UN calls doing a survey the Irish can fraudulently claim to have a high percentage of their youth in education – basically, the Irish are doing the only thing that they’re good at, which is fooling themselves.
Donal McAuliffe fits in quite well with the inane bullshit that the Cork Training Centre puts forward as education. He’s an arrogant little twat with a sense of self-importance that would shadow King Kong. He wasn’t very interested in even helping the few who were genuinely interested in gaining knowledge about Industrial Automation

The Poles told me of how he’d fob them off when they’d ask for help, information or advice. Eventually McAuliffe, annoyed at being asked too many questions, told one of the Poles to “latch-onto” one of the 9 morons mentioned above. This was much like instructing him to ask a random drunken Irish yob to advise him about changing the headgasket on his car’s engine.

Josephine Byrne, Profit Protection Manager, Boots the Chemist

Subway and An Garda Síochána, Mill Street, Galway

What’s very possible about Donal McAuliffe’s annoyance at being asked to actually instruct those whom he was being paid to teach is that the fucking idiot probably didn’t know enough about the subject to be able to inform or advise on it.
Paddy always had a name for irrational daftness.
The Irish try to overcome their ubiquitousness of dumbness and backwardness by taking grade-inflation to unbelievably high levels. McAuliffe, simply because this position had become available, might well have been handed the qualification needed to teach it after a few weeks playing with a wind-up clockwork toy. 

And in Ireland it doesn’t make any difference that McAuliffe may be unqualified to teach this class because only a very small percentage of the students who do it have any actual competency in it and might go on to make a career out of it.
Basically, the very small percentage of people who are successful on this particular course, and go on to study it further, are bright enough to pick it up without any instruction. If they had the equipment at home and could do the course online they’d get the same results, without going near inbred morons like McAuliffe and the Cork Training Centre.
But what was amazing about this particular class was that all of the participants were – even though 3 of them had mental health issues – successful in the final exam.
One of the Polish people explained why. The class was split in half for the final exam; 6 did the test one day while the other half did it the following day. To be successful in the exam the examinees had to programme a small model of automotive equipment that McAuliffe had set up earlier.
If Donal McAuliffe programmed these automations
they’d probably smash up the factory.
At one stage during the exam one of the Polish chaps witnessed McAuliffe walking the most severely handicapped student right through the exam. One of the Poles said: it was laughable, the student was so idiotic that on a couple of occasions he defied what McAuliffe was telling him to do.

It seems that McAuliffe was twice contradicted by this student when he had showed him how to bring about a particular action: the student actually told McAuliffe he was wrong and that there was a better way of doing it.
One part of the exam, said the Pole, involved McAuliffe having disconnected a wire that ran to a miniature motor on the model to be programmed. The 10 wires that ran to the various motors on the model were quite visible and even a monkey would have spotted that one was disconnected. But even if you didn’t spot it, the fact that the motor didn’t work would entice you to check whether or not it was getting power; therefore you’d immediately check that all its wires were connected.
McAuliffe gave the student numerous hints and clues that a wire had been removed. But the student, probably feeling very important with the attention he was getting, insisted it had to be a “software” problem. This fellow wouldn’t have even known what software actually meant, to him it was just a word he had heard in association with computers. But McAuliffe persevered and eventually the halfwitted idiot passed the exam – most of the moronic students would have been prompted through the exam like this.
I’ve spoken with this particular student and cognitively impaired doesn’t even begin to describe him. I wouldn’t be surprised if he had difficulty setting the time on an analogue timepiece. A complete and utter moron, but the worst type of moron because he really believed himself to be quite intelligent and clever – an utterly overestimation of his own intelligence which gave him a nauseating arrogance; exactly like the majority of people in Ireland’s south-west.  
The result of this kind of bullshit is that the Cork Training Centre can claim to have a very high percentage of successful course and exam completions. And the alumni can be found wandering around the south-west of Ireland with their mouths open and with urine staining their trousers.

St. Brigid’s Mental Hospital, Ballinasloe

Even robots would run away
screaming from Corkonians.
The Cork Training Centre is, like a lot of other Irish educational institutes, basically a gimmick. Such places are used to soak up Brussels’ largess, where cronies, regardless of qualifications or fitness, are kept in cushy and well paid jobs. Another benefit of it is that it keeps a vast number of unemployed Cork imbeciles from urinating and defecating on the streets during daylight hours; they can spend their days staring open-mouthed at a slackjawed instructor while retaining their €120 per week rent allowance and €200 per week dole payment.         
If you live in Ireland awhile, and get used to it, you’ll soon find it’s not only common to meet teachers, gardai (Irish police) and nurses who are unqualified and extremely dumb but also some who are actually frothing at the mouth through insanity. I’ve experienced incomprehensible stupidity in Irish nurses, teachers and gardai.   
As for the majority of other teachers and staff in the Cork Training Centre: they are typically Oirish, you’ll find a large number of these that can can only be described as inbred ingrates, and quite a few that have mental health problems.
They are of a type that are mediocrely more intelligent than their peers in the ubiquitously thick south-western Irish populace. But you have to remember that these people believe the general citizenry of south-west Ireland to be normal; that the populace in rural Ireland is intelligently equal to other First World populations – they’re not, the average IQ in Cork is 81, plus, there’s an abnormally high level of mental retardedness and insanity.
A pic from the TV series Father Ted.
Thus, being a bit more cleverer than their peers, they believe themselves to be super-bright and on a par with the best Harvard graduates. When you couple this with their unbelievable arrogance it makes for a bunch of extremely nauseating and idiotic pricks. 

All in all, they are mostly a type of ignoramus nincompoop that would not be allowed darken the door of a school, college or training facility anywhere else in the world – a sad type of backward bastard that would give the writers of Father Ted endless material from which to work. 

A YouTube clip from the very successful TV comedy Father Ted. Its portrayal of life in provincial Ireland, while hilarious, isn’t far removed from the truth.

The one thing that will forever stick in your mind after having first-hand experience of these backward Oirish mongrels is their utter shamelessness. No act of idiocy, no matter how atrocious, causes them discomposure or embarrassment. Regardless of endless failures and fiascos they’ll plough on with an ubiquitous simper and sense of indomitability. There’s no lower limit to the depths that these shameless backward pricks will sink to.
What’s criminal about what they’re at in the Cork Training Centre is that they don’t actually give a fuck about education. It means nothing to them; and the fact that an uneducated youth will drag the country down even further than it already is runs of them like water of a duck.
Anyone that has experienced the Irish will tell that the populace are proportionally more oafish than all other races. A much greater percentage of Irish people, more than any other population, have an IQ quotient which is below 70 – borderline retards and full retards. And the further west you go the dumber the people get.
If ever there was a population that needed education and adequately managed centres of learning it is south-west Ireland. And they’re not getting it, even though the European taxpayers has been paying through the nose for it over the last forty years.
Instead the European taxpayer’s largess is being spent on keeping inane slackjawed bastards in jobs they’re totally unfit to do. And also to fund fatuous Irish arrogance when they want to mislead a UN organisation into believing that they have a world beating percentage of their youth in education.
1This Irish educational facility is on its fourth name. It was first christened AnCO and, after financial irregularities and incompetent management were exposed, this was changed to FAS. Then, after a second bout of corruption and incompetence, they altered the name again, this time to SOLAS. And, yet again, after another spell of ineptness and fraudulence it morphed into its current moniker, Cork Training Centre.
Its history has nothing to show but a record of managemental ineptitude and financial fraudulence and each and every time its backwardness is exposed the Irish change the name. People might think the constant name changes were a way of hiding this educational institutes’ severe mismanagement and corruption from the Irish public. This isn’t the case: the Irish public are generally easy with corruption and stupidity, it’s why Ireland always was a monetary laughing stock and why it shall always remain so.
The real reason for this shameless name changing is in relation to the endless financial handouts that Ireland gets from Brussels. If it weren’t for the EU the Irish would not be able to pay their police, nurses or teachers or fund other public services. 

Each time the Irish go to Brussels looking for a few million euros they’re asked about what it is they intend spending the money on. For instance: 20-years ago they might have said they were going to use a particular handout to improve or upgrade an educational facility in Cork known as AnCO. And a few years later, when requesting yet another financial handout, they could claim they were going to use it to re-equip a Cork educational facility known as FAS.
If a civil servant had checked-out whether the Irish had already claimed they were using a handout to improve a FAS training facility in Cork he or she would find no record. And not unless the files were scrutinised would it become apparent that the Irish had already, only a few years before, claimed to have spent a handout on this same institute, because then it was known as AnCO.

As you can see, by constantly changing the name the Irish can mislead benefactors and lenders into believing they are spending the given alms on an increasing number of different educational facilities.

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