
Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Apple in Ireland? Tax-haven status, backhanders, easily duped tax inspectors and immoral corporation tax says YES; Irish unintelligence and coarseness screams NO.

For Apple to have a capable workforce in Athenry they’ll need outsiders, but outsiders simply won’t be able to live there
Athenry is a backward town with no outsiders but there’s a reason, it’s very hard to tolerate the backward and aggressive locals.

Some people wonder what
the hell Apple is doing.
Ireland’s Third World company tax rates are tempting the Apple Corporation to locate one of two new European Data Centres in Athenry, Co Galway, Ireland. What Apple should be aware of, though, is that the tax savings they’ll make by opening a centre in the Republic of Ireland will prove to be false economics. The money they’ll save via Ireland’s quasi-illegal corporation tax rate (plus free site, building and backhander)1 will be eaten away by staff incompetency, and endless and futile efforts to source capable employees from abroad.
Why are the Irish undercutting their fellow EU member states by employing taxation methods that’d be more at home in despotic states like the Islamic Caliph and other Third World countries? This is a question Apple Corporation should ask itself; and the very fact they need to ask themselves this tells that Ireland isn’t a good place to locate a technology-oriented business.
The majority of foreign companies that try doing business in Ireland discover Irish intelligence levels and capabilities to be well below those of other western-hemisphere countries. They also come to realise that the high levels of dumbness in the Irish populace is being abetted by Minister’s for Education and Skills who disgustingly refuse to sort out the mess of ineptitude that permeates Ireland’s educational sector. Grade-inflation is the favoured method by which Irish politicians deal with the many uneducable students that’s to be found in educational institutes: a slackjawed fraudulent method that on paper keeps Irish colleges’ and university’s success rates on a par with their European peers.
Haughey, Cowan and Kenny,
three fatuous democratically
elected Irish leaders.
Issuing false and exaggerated exam grades has now come full circle in Ireland. There are principals, teachers and educational management who have attained their jobs solely on the merits of vastly inflated exam results. The consequences of this is a disgustingly loud debauchery that’s to be found right across the Irish educational system. Halfwits and imbeciles, when they attain authority, like to keep any threat of replacement at a minimum and, as such, prefer their underlings to be a little dumber than themselves. Thus you have in Ireland the vile spectacle of atrocious halfwits being promoted ahead of those who might have some competency.

The first thing that Apple will notice if they go ahead with the Centre in Athenry is that the locals they employ will be much more than simply slackjawed. High numbers of applicants will get hired on wonderful looking university and college qualifications but within weeks will prove to be not only grossly incompetent but also, to varying degrees, mentally unstable. Apple’s management will also find that there’ll be a lot of animosity between the natives whom they give jobs to; they’ll have a very strong propensity to argue and fight among themselves. It’ll be almost impossible to get these local ingrates to cooperate and work together, and even if Apple do succeed in getting them to cooperate communally it’ll be found that they waste a lot of time craning their necks trying to ensure they don’t do more work, or earn less, than their companions2.
A couple of years ago two American executives, who are based in Ireland, publicly lambasted the Irish educational system. These two announced to the Irish media, within weeks of each other, that they had job applicants turning up with top-end college and university qualifications who proved within days of being hired that they weren’t capable of achieving them on their own cognisance – these Oirish thickos were grade-inflated. Shortly after this vehement disapproval two other foreign executives warned – in relation to European leaders who criticised Ireland’s disgustingly low corporation tax – that their companies would pull out of Ireland if the corporation tax was upped to equal the European norm. (They made clear their companies were in Ireland for the low tax and not for the Irish graduate’s cerebrality.)  
Apple will soon come to know that these four foreign executives weren’t being gratuitously rude to the Irish; they’ll find out that the only way of hiring competency will be to recruit workers from outside Ireland3. What they’ll find, though, when they try this is that those foreigners they tempt to Athenry won’t stay very long. The native incompetent slackjaws – while all the time at each others throats – will, with an animalistic cunning, sense these outsiders as a threat. It’s almost impossible to live with the backward Galway natives in normal circumstances but if they have a resentment against you, or view you as trespassing, it’ll be worse than Hell.

The Irish might give Apple sweeteners but the inadequacy and fatuity that leads them to do this also extends to other parts of their society, namely: education.

Aertel’s ephemeral reportage
helps keeps the shit hidden.
On the right is a screenshot showing a report by RTE’s Aertel which tells of the great disgust across Europe towards Ireland’s sly attempts – in spite of the European Central Bank and IMF giving them billions when they went bankrupt in 2007 – at remaining a tax-haven. It’s brazen and shameless of the Irish Dept of Finance to have denied any knowledge of an investigation by the European Commission into blatant backhanders to foreign companies.

European governments have been vociferously demanding since 2007 that something be done about Ireland’s Third-Worldesque attitude to corporation tax. Then there’s the backhanders, free sites and subsidised factory buildings. All of which are ultimately funded by the German, French, Dutch and UK taxpayer.

In light of all this there’s been a lot of resentment shown by European newspapers at Apple’s decision to locate one of its Data Centres in a nondescript and backward west of Ireland town. A town that until now hasn’t been known for anything other than incest, drunken fights and the whinging self-pitying chant, The Fields of Athenry.
I can understand European journalists getting their hackles up at this decision. These newspapers are in countries that have invested heavily in infrastructure, broadband and education; and now they're bogged in austerity because backward and corrupt countries like Ireland blew the enormous wealth they got for free in the Noughties.
It has to be galling for your average European to see Apple locate its centre in a backward and inbred Irish sinkhole like Athenry. And doubly galling considering that the mainland European taxpayer is funding any financial sweeteners that Apple might receive – they give money to Paddy because he’s stupidly bankrupted himself; and Paddy uses this same money to shamelessly lure business away from his benefactors.
It’s bad enough for the early rising and hardworking European to lose money to tax-havens like the Cayman Islands and Seychelles but to have the tax avoiding abettors in their own backyard has to be nauseating. And Athenry, where Apple intends setting up a centre, is in the very worst part of the backyard. You can forget about broadband in Athenry; communications are so bad in and around this backward Oirish dive that a lascivious dog couldn’t download the smell of an inheat bitch even if she bit his tail.
“Unusually high number of errors”
by the exam setters!!!!!
Here’s another screenshot showing an Aertel report which depicts the atrocious state of Irish education. “High number of errors in the Leaving and Junior Cert examination papers,” it says, although it doesn’t elaborate on the type of mistakes made. Considering that it’d be nothing to walk into an Oirish pharmacy, solicitors office or hospital and meet a dumb bastard, who’s all but frothing at the mouth, there is really no need for RTE to report that the Irish exam system is a shambles.  

The reason this particular report seen the light of day is probably because Brussels, from the time Ireland got its bailout, has been castigating the Irish for their propensity to cover-up almost all aspects of their backwardness. The Irish media, both state owned and private, has always played its part in keeping Ireland’s front door painted. The best example of Ireland’s self imposed censorship is ex-premier Charles J Haughey’s corruption and the horrific amounts of paedophilia and physical abuse that took place in orphanages and schools. If the true amount of paedophilic abuse that went (and goes) on in the Rep of Ireland is revealed the world will be shocked. Haughey was an atrocious arsehole who viewed himself as being of royal stock; he stole and gathered in backhanders during the 1980’s and 90’s with the tenacity of a squirrel hoarding nuts, and not one Irish journalist had the guts to say a word against him – they’re not a whole lot different today.   
Aertel’s reporting of this disgusting exam debacle has more to do with Oirish canniness than with openness and transparency. The reports on Aertel are ephemeral, they last no more than 10- to 12-hours and sometimes they’ll be removed after only two hours – and there’s no accessible public archive kept. The Irish know that very few outside of Ireland are aware Aertel exists and that even fewer still visit it. So reports like this will be ignored or glossed over by the mainstream media; and if anyone suggests it was purposefully hidden it can then be pointed out, with a sly sneer, that RTE covered it – by airing it for a few hours on Aertel. (Robert Mugabe probably uses inane tactics like this to wriggle his way around UN resolutions.)
Ireland educational standards will shock Apple to its core (no pun intended).

Helen Ryan, Cork College of Commerce.
Right is a picture of an Irish college principal, Helen Ryan and beneath it a picture of one of her teachers, Ian Spillane. Ms Ryan is also a psychologist and, as a result, it’d be thought she’d be qualified, ethical and competent in the management of her college and charges. Ms Ryan, though, went out of her way to prove otherwise; not only did she show herself to be incompetent and unethical, she showed herself to be a low end Irish bastard with the type of mannerisms that the bitches who dumped the infants in Tuam had. Helen Ryan – as if wanting to prove the Irish to be complete ignorant mongrels – gave a letter of complaint she had received about one of her staff to her cronies and instructed them to publicly publish it on the internet. But of course, Ryan isn’t the only one in backward Ireland who’d do something as low and disgusting as this; the backward Irish cunts who run the Cork Education and Training Board have also published interlocutor’s private correspondence online.

Here’s a series of links which shows the type of inane Irish arseholes who’ll be found working for Ryan; and also some of her friends in the Cork Education and Training Board: Elaine Looney; Ian Spillane; Kay Long; Nick O’Callaghan; Deirdre O’Sullivan; John Fitzgibbons; Timothy Owens.
Ian Spillane, a disgustingly thuggish Irish teacher.
I made enquires about Ryan’s conduct and have been informed professionally that if a principal of a school or college did this anywhere else in Europe they’d be fired on the spot; and if they also happened to be a trained psychologist it would mean the loss of their licence to practice.

There’s also the fact of Ms Ryan’s, very probable, grade-inflation; I’d bet my right arm that if Ryan were to sit psychology exams in the UK she’d fail them in the worse way possible. When you encounter pieces-of-shit like Helen Ryan you’ll totally understand how 800 babies could be tortured and killed by Irish nuns and their bodies dumped in a septic tank – the typical Pict bitch is far worse than the most vilest of non-Irish males. What galls me most about Irish inbred scumbags like Ryan is that while the Nazi’s were slaughtering decent people across Europe vile trash like her and her compatriots remained untouched.
Witless grade-inflated scumbags like Helen Ryan are, and always were, the major problem with Ireland. Vile trash like her keep themselves surrounded by other inane pieces-of-shit and thus you have Ireland’s neverending reputation for savagery and backwardness.
Apple will come to see that the Oirish Picts don’t just look Neandertal they act it too.
Popular European news site reports on mass grave in septic tank.
The article, right, in the Daily Mail tells of an atrocity that would cause revulsion in the most savage of wars. Could anyone believe, before this act of infantile genocide was uncovered, that in a modern peacetime European country 800 plus babies' bodies would be dumped in a septic tank?

This is the stuff of over-18 horror movies; for the inbred Picts, with their cead mile failte, to sink this low really drives home the warning not to judge a book by its cover. To assess the Irish Picts by their actions and appearances will tell that you’re dealing with an unevolved Neanderthal-type lifeform. But at least, you’d assume they had that evolutionary trait that’s inherent to all animals which ensures the preservation of a species: that genetic programming which imbues us with a protectivity towards the young of our own species; and which even extends in some animals to safeguarding the offspring of other species.

Aoiffe Madden, the type of insane
west of Ireland bitch who’d be likely
to throw babies in a cesspit.
Pict Irish females – fairer sex, the foremost care-providers in most mammal groups – played the bigger role in the torture and killing of these babies and today in western Ireland you’ll find not one shred of guilt or shame in regards this act of State approved murder. I asked a large west of Ireland lady what she felt about these infants being tormented and dumped in a cesspit. Her answer was to incredulously inform me that the west of Ireland was a “big place” and she wasn’t from Tuamthe Irish thicko was from Headford which is a few miles from Tuam; and this, she believed, made her different from them.
It’s not the Pict’s fault, though, that they don’t feel shame or guilt; their provenance, inbreeding and incestuous proclivities has moulded them towards animalism, so when it comes to shame, guilt or empathy they’re on a par with pigs.
Apple will find that ill-educated Oirish Picts doing slack work is the least pernicious of Athenry’s traits.
Oirish Picts laughed and sneered at the abused children’s hardships.
A couple of extremely bad cases of animalistic abuse has recently come to light in western Ireland. The Roscommon children that were sexually abused by their mother, father and neighbours has to be one of the world’s most shocking, prolonged and known about incidents of incestuous sexual abuse.

The real depravity of this case is how neighbours, teachers and social workers blatantly ignored obvious evidence of these children’s abuse that stretched back 10-years before the perpetrators were finally brought to justice.
Back in 1998 these children were walking to school barefooted, dressed in rags, covered in lice and without food. Neighbours, while taking their own children to school, even drove circuitous routes just to have a gawk and sneer at them. The abused kids spent years stealing lunch from fellow pupils in order to eat; were ostracised by peers, teachers and priests4 and not one of these ever thought to do anything for them. This continued until the first of their abusers was brought to justice in 2009.
Fr Brendan Smyth, the most famous
of thousands of Irish paedophile priests.
There are aspects of this tale of Faustian horror that the mainstream Irish media failed to address; and parts pertinent to understanding the west of Ireland natives that wasn’t reported. The Irish journalists never questioned why the neighbours and teachers never made any attempt to help these obviously distressed children – this was swept under Ireland’s green carpet to swell the bulge of other paedophilia that’s been kept hidden.
The sad and alarming reason why the neighbours and teachers didn’t assist these kids is because they’d have actually got an animalistic pleasure from seeing them suffer hardships.
The Pict Irish person’s senses operate on the same level as those of animals or mentally unhinged people. Animals in the wild learn almost everything by brute force; they’ll be taught through biting, kicking or clawing whose food they’ll get away with taking and whose they won’t. Insane people were taught the same way before the introduction of drugs; the beatings got progressively worse until the lunatic learnt to associate pain with disobeying instructions. Circus animals were taught the same way; they’d learn to do the tricks rather than suffer the physical pain.
Michael-Stroke Fahy, just one of
many corrupt Irish politicians.
The west of Ireland native (Pict) is wired somewhat similarly; he or she doesn’t take knowledge and experience onboard the way normal Caucasians do, i.e., through schooling, reading, hearing, imagination, communicating and empathy. For the Pict to completely appreciate a warm fire and hot meal on a cold January evening they’d have to see a person shivering and hungry just outside their window. When they’d see this less fortunate person they wouldn’t actually realise that they themselves were luckier5; instead they’d become bloated with pleasure, smugness and self-satisfaction, and deem themselves to be not just more fortunate but much smarter and cleverer – it’s much the same as the bully who gets pleasure by belittling or hurting others. Thus it would have made them feel good about themselves, their families and their own circumstances to see these abused and hurting children struggle on empty stomachs to school.
The Irish teachers who spent 10-years ignoring these children’s abuse are much similar; they’d have sucked-up to the children of well-to-do parents while adding to the abused kids distress by denigrating and belittling them – it’s just what you’d expect from a community that would dump the bodies of 800 children in a septic tank.
Life is experience; wisdom is what Apple will get in Athenry.
What on earth, I ask myself, entices the Apple Corporation to open a facility in Athenry, which is one of the most backward dives this planet has to offer. There’s absolutely nothing to be said in favour of the natives, town or the basic infrastructure in this west of Ireland Hell-hole. Ill-educated and ineducable doesn’t even begin to describe the bloody natives; chimpanzees and bonobos have similar levels of common sense as the typical backward Pict. As I’ve already said: no outsider of mediocrely normal personality would be able to abide living amidst these Neanderthalesque bastards for more than a few months.   
I hope Apple realise that the (European taxpayer sourced) sweeteners which the Irish are offering will ultimately be repaid in full. But the repayment won’t come from Apple’s coffers directly; instead it’ll come from the debasement of the foreigners that this company will have to relocate to the west of Ireland, and from the subsequent inadequacy of its workforce. Payment will also come from Apple through the denigration of its customers: the backward unintelligent Irish will ensure that this company’s focus on its customer’s loyalty and satisfaction is egregiously compromised. But we all live and learn, and Apple is going to learn a lesson in Athenry, Co Galway, Ireland.
1When Dell Computers set up in Limerick they were given (courtesy of German, UK, Dutch and French taxpayer) a well subsidised site and factory. But all of this, along with the disgustingly low corporation tax, wasn’t enough to entice them into the Rep of Ireland; Dell’s executives were also given €80billion (which went into their back pockets). This enormous backhander, although paid before Dell opened for business, was fatuously dressed-up as being dependent on the amount of tax forthcoming employees would pay into the Irish economy. When Michael Dell, after suffering more than 10-years from slackjawed and uneducated imbeciles, closed and decamped to Poland he took the €80billion with him. Dell Computers in Limerick amounted to being one of the most expensive European taxpayer funded failures at bringing civilisation to the thick Irish – the European taxpayer might as well have been spending it’s billions on training up seaside donkeys to win the Grand National.       
2I spoke with a person who spent some time overseeing workers in Boston Scientific in Galway. She said she was shocked beyond belief at the number of newly hired staff who would immediately start whining about having too much work to do. They had a path beaten to her office whinging that the person beside them wasn’t doing as much as they were. She also had quite a few who were shameless and stupid enough to go to her demanding to know how much their colleagues were getting paid – the type of conduct you’d expect from halfwitted inbreeds.

3The Rep of Ireland is so fucked up, and the areas of Galway and Athenry so disgustingly bestialised, that it’s almost impossible to get natives of Dublin, let alone those from abroad, to go and live and work in western areas.
4While the typical Oirish priest likes to bugger young boys he’s inclined to be choosey when they’re caked in dirt and crawling with lice.
5That these backward inbred cunts have anything is because of luck. If it wasn’t for the EU throwing billions at them since 1973 they’d be living in mud-huts or sweeping the streets in the UK.


  1. [img][/img]

    Image shows Aertel’s report of how breastfeeding improves intelligence and well-being. I suspect the Picts don’t breastfeed. I know for sure that chimpanzees do; perhaps that’s why chimps aren’t as dull as the average Pict?

  2. [img][/img]

    Oirish Examiner was being extra careful for Friday 13th and rolled out the cute kids. Nonetheless, their reporter, Denise O'Donoghue, got a dose of the 13’s misfortune: “The children, who go to at Holy Cross Mercy School” (sic). At least I hope it was just bad luck and not because she was educated in Cork College of Commerce.

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