
Friday, 30 January 2015

Genetically Modified crops

Science is wonderful but anything that gives total control to a few needs reining in.

The Genetically Modified (GM) crops that’s been introduced in India don't reproduce naturally like nature’s crops; farmers have to return continually to Monsanto or its agents to buy the next year's seed. And guess what? Over a few years the price of this seed jumped enormous percentages.
It’s unclear if over time whether these Genetically Modified crops in India (and elsewhere) will hybridise with traditional crops and cause them to also stop producing seeds.  
If they do hybridise, or if Monsanto gains totality with India’s crop growers, it would effectively give them (Monsanto) total control over the food supply of 1.252 billion people. Then India could possibly have to dance to a madman’s tune if a tyrant were to get control of Monsanto.       
Three very important questions that need to be answered in relation to GM crops:
  • The ability to reproduce is intrinsic in all life on this planet, why has the genetic modifying process effectively castrated GM crops?
  • Can it be said for certain that these crops wouldn’t hybridise with traditional crops and also cause them to become sterile?
  • Can it be justifiably called modification when it destroys the plant’s ability to reproduce itself?   
Whatever about the ifs and buts of Genetically Modified crops per se, farmers and governments worldwide should stop the planting of anything that doesn’t reproduce naturally. It’s madness to see whole countries become beholden to companies like Monsanto and their lab technicians.   
People should be alarmed that non-seed producing crops are being created and introduced. That something as basic and as important as food is being monopolised by a handful of corporations.
And GM crops are being introduced everywhere. How long until a few corporations have total control of the planet’s food supply? Did even George Orwell envisage such a hellish scenario?
Former despots could only dream of such power. Hitler would have drove his tanks unhindered to the Bering Strait if he had control of Russia’s food supply.
The history of the human race tells us quite clearly that power in the hands of a few will be abused. Independent scientists, backed by governments, need to investigate the above questions and if crops can’t be genetically modified without sterilising them then the whole process should be scrapped.

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