
Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Ian Spillane (Cork College of Commerce) objects to review on SaySo.

Spillane now uses the name
Ianny Beany on Twitter.
Ian Spillane attempted to take legal action in regards my revelations about his insane stupidity and sexually debauched personality. His attempts were quite easily fended off; he didn’t even get out of the starting traps. While gathering evidence against him we came across this gem which Spillane sent to a social media website.

In it he shows himself to be a more than a little on the idiotic side, and displays a fatuity that questions how anyone could let him loose in a classroom of children. I really don’t think that this guy, considering his history, would be tolerated anywhere outside of Ireland as a teacher.     

A screenshot of Ian’s fatuous objection to a review.

Above is a screenshot of an objection Ian Spillane recently made to the reviewing website, SaySo. In it he rails against someone who posted a negative review about him or Cork College of Commerce. It was brought to my attention because the reviewer used the same agnomen, Blackdwarf, as I use on this blog.
Spillane with the youth-inducing
come-hither sweetness wiped away.
If you read through Spillane’s objection I’ll be clear that he suffers from a severe malignancy of fantasy and arrogance. That a teacher could respond with a self-aggrandising self-centred piece of tripe such as this is astounding. It doesn’t say much for his employers in Cork College of Commerce (CCoC).
Clicking this link shows the review has since be taken down and that’s not surprising for Ireland. The Irish know their name is considered dirt internationally in regards managing their country1 or any institutions therein; as such, they lash out manically whenever a critical or derogatory piece is published about them.

And usually all internally managed websites are compliant in removing excoriating pieces of text. They simply don’t like to see stuff that reminds them of what they are.
From this objection it’s obvious that the reviewer alleged Spillane made a pass at him. Considering that Spillane published this a few years ago on Twitter, “is hiding in the loo. Although in this place they'd nearly come in just to try to be my friend,” it’s not far-fetched that he’d make a pass at a student – from what I know of Ian he likes his lovers to be young, the younger the better.
Here we have Spillane’s youth-inducing
come-hither sweetness reinstated.
Then Mr Spillane goes on to show his true self: “... he has carried on quite an attack against me personally online because I am out, proud, and fabulous, and a teacher.” Isn’t this something else? It’d be a big deal if a homosexual had come “out” in Oscar Wilde's time, or if he were walking around wearing a pink tutu and chatting up young boys in Taliban controlled areas of Afghanistan. But in 2014 in Western Europe it’s no big deal for a homosexual to be “out”.
Spillane’s  claim that he is “fabulous” is what really shows him for what he is. Jimmy Savile was like this, he had an extreme arrogance and an insane self-confidence and it was these personal defects which made him such a successful sexual abuser of children. 

That Spillane couldn’t object to the review without vaingloriously boasting about how “fabulous” he is points to a man with mental unstableness, and a person who’d put his own vile satisfaction – be it sexual or otherwise – above the wellbeing of all others, including children.
Spillane then mentions tweets although the SaySo website has no affiliation whatsoever with Twitter. He says he “copied his tweets for the Gardaí [Irish police] who have been monitoring his activities with us.” It’s amazing he should say anything about tweets considering the vile and prurient comments that he himself posted on Twitter. What Spillane is trying to do here is project his own dire failings and debauched personality onto someone else – it’s a way of dealing with mental sub-normality that is very common in south-west Ireland.
To finish off we have Spillane going into a self-pitying vein. He writes about “abuse for our receptionist and more death threats against people”. Fancy that! Spillane is aware that the receptionist and other people in CCoC are receiving “death threats” and how does he deal with this? He contacts SaySo, a mediocrely successful website, and informs them! Death threats are quite serious, the recipient of such threats would inform the police and these wouldn’t want their investigations hampered by morons spreading the circumstances around on social websites.
Ian Spillane and Jimmy Savile, birds of a feather flock together.

But then Spillane digresses yet again from his theme. It turns out that it’s not really the “receptionist” and “others” who received the “death threats” but rather he himself. He says, “I take them very seriously as they include information about my whereabouts.” I can’t imagine someone phoning CCoC and making death threats to the receptionist and then backing these threats up by announcing that they know where Ian Spillanes lives2 – if the receptionist stayed away from Spillane’s abode then he or she would be OK.
What’s alarming and sad about Ian Spillane is that he’s quite normal for the south-west. The civic leaders in this part of Ireland (or most of Ireland for that matter) wouldn’t see anything wrong with the way Spillane and his cronies conduct themselves. And this type of backwardness drifts right up through Ireland’s social strata; it why Brussels doesn’t even trust them to draw up and implement their own budgets.
_________________________________ 1The European Central Bank has been managing Ireland’s financial affairs since about 2007. The Irish government have to get their yearly budgets passed by their over-masters in Brussels before implementing it at home.

2But considering the utter stupidity in south-west Ireland these people mightn’t be able to even make death threats cogently.


  1. ☺ “ireland solicitor”——————————————-22

    ☺ “make complaint garda police”————————–1

    ☺ “postalbert”———————————————–—–2

    ☺ “black swan ian spillane”—————————–—–1

    ☺ “ian spillane cork college of commerce”———2013

    ☺ “irish snarling”———————————————–57

    ☺ “irish solicitors scumbags”——————————-12

    ☺ “irish birds”—————————————————98

    Some of the search terms that’s directing people to this blog are quite diverting.

    For instance, it’s amazing that over the last seven days 57 searches for “irish snarling” resulted in people seeing this blog, while “irish birds” brought 98 visitors.

    12 visitors were looking for “irish solicitors scumbags” – I can understand that because there’s hardly any Irish solicitors who aren’t scumbags.

    1 visitor was seeking information about: “make complaint garda police”.

    I wonder what type of person ended up being directed here after searching for “black swan ian spillane”. And 2013 people who entered the more usual term “ian spillane cork college of commerce” came to this blog.

    Mr Spillane and his college is quite popular, or perhaps not, maybe searching for Ian Spillane or Cork College of Commerce finds this blog quicker than searching for Blackdwarf.

  2. [img][/img]

    Above is map that’s shown in Google Blogger’s Statistics-Overview to denote parts of the world where your blog is being viewed. The countries which are shaded dark green are where the blog is receiving the most numerous hits.

    Blackdwarf’s Ireland is being viewed extensively in most areas of the Globe except Mongolia, parts of central and north-west Africa, Alaska and Greenland (and some country in central South America).

    Isn’t it fantastic that a nondescript person, such as myself, can blog a few articles which are then viewed trans-globally by large numbers of people. ☺

  3. [img][/img]

    Ian Spillane has deleted all his tweets from his @iannybeany Twitter account. This is the second time in a short period that he’s had to erase his entire compilation of comments from a social media website. Perhaps if I’d taken the time to look through his @iannybeany account I’d have found – as I did on his @iantheteacher account – disgusting sexualised references to children.

    Oh, I almost forgot, as screenshot says, Spillane believes I’m “inarticulate” and “deadly boring” and am laden with “obvious sexuality issues”. And to put the tin-hat on it, he reckons I’m a “whinge-bag”. Well, how outrageous!
