
Monday, 1 December 2014

Cork College of Commerce's & Ian Spillane's favorite advocate.☺

“You won’t reveal our dirty secrets and get away with it … we’re gonna get you Blackdwarf …” threatens anonymous

Mr Anonymous is fiercely eager for his dreams to become reality.  

Mr Anonymous, who has quite a hangup about sexual orientation, is back, yet again, vociferously commenting – perhaps Mr Spillane slapped you over the weekend because of your failure to vacuum his groin area adequately?

The criticised are so frustrated
it’s hard to know exactly
what they mean.
It seems, according to Mr Anonymous, that by showing the arseholes in FloorTech and People’s Republic of Cork (of course I shouldn’t forget copycat Faith) for the halfwits they are I am “justifying” my other posts. Or is it that he’s greatly annoyed to see his compatriots backwardness laid bare in the clearest way possible?

In the meantime I’ll be extra alert for “people” who try to “get closer to [me].” What will assist me in doing this is the commenter's indication that I have a “small mind”; to counteract your allegations of little mindedness I’ll greatly increase my intake of blueberries (super-food). Of course, the berry induced extra brain power will enable me to keep seekers of closeness at a distance.

As for Mr Anonymous’ claim about “sexual perversions”: Do you view everyone who writes reviews as being “sexually perverted,” or is it just those who pen critical ones, especially when they relate your boyfriend’s and compatriot’s egregious and immoral inanity. (The only posts in this blog with sexual or perverted overtones relate to the writings and actions of two Cork men, Ian Spillane and Darragh Wiseman.)

Of course I’ll take your “confident prediction” which foretells my “answering for this vile blog in 2015” on-board. To counteract this forecast I’ll simply erase 2015 from my personal and bodily calendars. I’ll delete from my menology – similar to how Pope Gregory XIII, in order to supplant the Julien Calendar with the Gregorian, deleted 10 days in 1582 – the entire 365 days of 2015.

I gotta divert around 2015 entirely
so as to ensure Mr Anonymous’s
crystal ball is incorrect.
Therefore for me 2015 won’t exist; I’ll go to bed on December 31 2014 and get up on 1st January 2016. So your prediction will find it impossible to be fulfilled and as a consequence your crystal ball is a failure. So I suggest you return your ball to whomever you bought it from and seek a refund. Or better still, dump the ball and leave the forecasting to the meteorological services and gypsy ladies.

Never too far from Mr Anonymous’ mind is carnal debauchery and, of course, he finds it impossible to to make any type of utterance without reference to temporal obscenity – in the mould of the friend, Ian Spillane, whom he comments on behalf of. Is “your latent homosexual fantasies will be realised” really the best you can do? It’s the type of chant I’d expect from sink-estate preteen thugs, the type of person who has a very limited vocabulary.

And even if I were homosexual do you think I’d care what inbred backward sneering morons like you in Cork thought? I associate with a much better type of people than you inbred bastards: they are the type who don’t enquire into a person’s pigmentation or be concerned about what adults do in their own bedrooms – as long as it doesn’t involve children or slavery.

The language of the commenters
make me read like Little Bo Peep.
I’d also like to take this opportunity to request that you good people in Cork, Kerry and western Ireland generally tone down the thousands of comments you’re submitting. My posts gets many visitors from Educational Institutes and other public establishments and all of these have safeguards against vile language and obscenity.

For instance, you’ll be aware of the slang term for homosexual that rhymes with maggot (yeah that’s right, its initial is F): I can’t publish a comment that contains this word because it’ll result in the post being blocked to many of my visitors – like Cork College of Commerce might block obscene or debauched content. Likewise with threats: if they contain disgusting obscene language and blunt menaces to someone’s existence I can’t publish.

By all means keep commenting and showing us your dumbness. But please do so in a mode that can be put online and which won’t curtail the viewing figures of my posts.

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