
Monday, 24 November 2014

FloorTech (Island House, Island Corporate Park, Little Island, Cork), An Post, and Darragh Wiseman

He is slandering and libelling me and other business people in Cork continuously
I hope FloorTech hasn’t taken the role
of advocate for the weirdo Wiseman.
The weirdo Darragh Wiseman is rolling out the big guns in attempt to keep his history of thuggery and debauchery under wraps. According to a complaint that was made about one of my posts, FloorTech (a commercial flooring company in Cork city) has, along with An Post, allied itself with Wiseman in attempt to stop the exposure of his prurience, bullying and online lies.

The complaint states that it was made by An Post and FloorTech and, among other things, it claims my post is “slandering” and “libelling” Mr Wiseman. It’s confusing, though, because they continually use the pronouns “I”, “my” and “me” as if they were very literally complaining from Wiseman’s personal perspective.
FloorTech’s and An Post’s complaint? Or Wiseman’s?

The complainant(s) say(s): “He is damaging my professional reputation and my ability to earn a wage with these false [italics mine] reviews.” Considering Wiseman published a litany of lies about himself on LinkedIn and a stream of debauched pictures on Twitter (semi-nude images of youths) it’s amazing that the complainers should mention “false” in their communication. This takes to extremes the adage which relates the hypocrisy of the kettle that calls the pot black.

If you follow the links you’ll notice that, while
the accounts have been closed, Darragh
Wiseman’s name will be in the URL bar.
Of course when Wiseman saw that I had exposed his lies on LinkedIn and revealed his obscene postings on Twitter he immediately deleted both accounts. He also deleted an account he had on BOARDS.IEhe probably had filth posted here as well.

It shows the panic he was in, which in turn points to guilt, that he should close these accounts; obviously he had something to hide and needed to conceal it in the quickest way possible.

And it was much quicker for this pervert to delete these accounts rather than searching through a backlog of postings in order to remove the debauched and obscene.

Mr Wiseman’s initial CV which he had on
LinkedIn. Everything he has said, posted
and done since uploading this CV proves
it to be complete fantasy.
As for Wiseman’s “professional reputation” I’ll (again) paraphrase a lady who for a while lived near him in Cork: “Darragh isn’t into adult women, he likes kids.” She said this with more than a hint of disgust in her voice. There’s also Wiseman’s many attempts at bullying that I personally witnessed – a display of arrogance and aggression that you’d expect from the likes of Jimmy Savile.

Then there’s my post that is being complained about, which relates how Wiseman is trying to ensconce himself in a primary school classroom, and of his attempts to needle his way into a children’s football team’s changing rooms – does more need to be said about this dirty bastard?

The bottom line is that Darragh Wiseman DOESN’T have a reputation that could be damaged. He’s nothing more than a halfwitted imbecilic thug and bullyboy who is more than probably, based on what I’ve seen and heard about him, a danger to children and young adults – his publishing of semi-nude images of young males on Twitter and of a provable fantasy on LinkedIn signifies someone who is totally abnormal.

This is where Wiseman updated his work record and
educational qualifications about a year after  initially
posting the one just above. Of course, wouldn’t any
"Software Developer" be liable to forget about a two
year period in their lives?
It’s quite possible, though, that Wiseman penned and sent this complaint himself and that he has fraudulently signed it with An Post’s and FloorTech’s nomenclatures. And if he has used these companies names without their permission it shows him to be viler than I have already believed him to be – it points to a man with deep-seated psychological and psychiatric problems, a person that needs mental health treatment rather than monitoring.

If An Post’s or FloorTech’s names have been used by Darragh Wiseman fraudulently these companies have the option of letting me know. And if it does turn out to be fraud I’ll make it clear in this blog that neither of these companies are low enough to be an advocate for the bullying, thuggish and unstable Wiseman.
Wiseman is doing everything possible to infiltrate
as many aspects of children’s lives as he can.
For a man in his mid-forties, that’s of Wiseman’s unstable and bullying disposition, to be not only fantasising about, but actually trying to become, a teacher is the stuff of horror movies. This in correlation with his online fantasy world of “Technical Trainer”, “Software Developer” and “Technical Support Engineer” (which he added later to his LinkedIn CV as if he had forgotten about this 2-year period in his life) makes for a sad and dangerous man who had obvious mental problems.

I’d urge Darragh Wiseman to talk to someone that might be able to help him, either a psychologist or psychiatrist (anyone other than his parish priest who might also be into children). And I’d urge An Post and FloorTech, if they have any relationship with Mr Wiseman, to persuade him to seek professional help. Children have the right to be protected and Wiseman would tick all the boxes if assessed by a child care expert for potential threat. 


  1. We have no Darragh Wiseman working for or associated with FloorTech® nor do we know of you. Please desist from using our trademark name in any grievances you may have with others.
