Ancient crude eugenics gives rise to a racial group of thickos
I have been asked a lot about the Picts recently, especially those that’s to be found in Ireland.
Such questions as:
- Is Pict just a derogatory slang term for Celt?
- Are the Picts racially separate from Celts?
- Is it true that they’re not actually caucasian?
- Why, as a whole, are they so creepily unintelligent?
- Where did they originate?
- How come the Irish seemed to do well in the US and remain on the bottom rung in the UK?
This image, published in the US in 1882, depicts the moronic and backward Picts trying to drag down the other races who had settled the US. The dirty Picts weren’t wanted and were plainly viewed as being pains-in-the-arse; that’s the way the Picts always were and always will be.
The Irish – particularly those in and around Cork, Limerick and Galway cities – have led people to believe that their race is totally Celtic and take umbrage at any mention that a large proportion of the population are actually Picts.
The term Pict denotes a group of people who are racially separate from the Celts but who have over the centuries, due to their close proximity on the British Isles, taken aboard large swaths of Celtic culture. To outsiders Ireland’s Pict and Celtic populations have become almost synonymous under the umbrella of Irishness. The Picts welcome this as they’re ashamed of their provenance; they much prefer to be known as Celts.
But yet the Pict is aware that there’s a vast racial difference between them and the true Celts who are to be found in Dublin or Wales. And in order to explain this racial disparity and assert their quasi Celtic status, they claim that the people of Dublin, and eastern Ireland generally, are actually not true Irish but British; that they’re a hangover from the British occupation – I surmise what they’re insinuating is that people in this area have become “infected” by British DNA.
Just one example of why they’re ashamed of being Picts – and which also gratingly reminds them of their provenance – is the Irish Gypsies (who are also referred to as Irish Travelers or Tinkers). These Gypsies are Picts without pretences; they have retained their Neanderthalism almost entirely intact. They are very well known in eastern Ireland and the UK as caravan dwelling thieves, drunks, thugs and practicers of incest. People who have known the Irish Gypsies in the UK and who have then experienced the denizens of Cork or Galway have been amazed at the similarities between them.
A quick trip around the Republic of Ireland will show the very obvious racial differences to be found in the Irish population. Travel around and interact with the different tribes and it’ll quickly become obvious you’re not dealing with a people that have a single provenance. You’ll find the disparity between the Dublin Celt and the western Pict to be much as the difference between German natives and South American tribes-people. A drive from Dublin to the south-west, for instance, reveals a primordial declension towards slackjawedness and swamp-like backwardness.
Of course a lot of interbreeding has occurred in Ireland between the Celts and Picts and it’s debatable as to which race is assimilating the other – in my opinion, considering that the Pict’s moronic genes win every time, it’s the Celts who’s getting absorbed. It you were to compare Wales (population 3,063,456), which is a true Celtic country, to the Rep of Ireland (population 4,000,000) you’d find that it’s like comparing a silk purse to a sows ear – the Welsh have NOT spent the last 40 years running their country on EU handouts and profits from illicit taxes.
The Celts’ provenance is provable and traceable to central Europe where their artifacts have been found in abundance at various sites. Their lineage, like that of all naturally evolved races, can be traced right back to hunter-gathering and cave dwelling.
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Here’s a 19th century illustration, from the influential American magazine Harper’s Weekly, that depicts the ape-like protrusive jaws which the Irish Picts are famed for. It’s interesting that the American journalists at that time viewed the Picts as having Neanderthal provenance. Prognathic jaws like this can be readily seen today on the natives in south-west Ireland. Darragh Wiseman, an ignoramus and child-endangering Pict who runs a post office in Cork city, has this type of ape-like facial protuberance. A throw-back to their origins as slaves. |
On the other hand, the Picts’ origins have baffled anthropologists and historians alike. That’s because, while being obviously different genetically from other Asian and European races, their place of provenance has never been located. Every racial group in Europe and Asia have left a trail of evidence, artifacts, tools, cave paintings, monuments, tombs and burial grounds behind them as they evolved and travelled their way to their present location and status.
But not the Picts, these just seemed to show up in the British Isles at varying times after the last Ice Age without leaving a shred of evidence of where they were before: no writings, no verbal history or tradition of storytelling, no pottery, no farming implements, tools or burial sites with their unique signature.
When the Romans invaded Britain the first racial groups they encountered were Saxon and Celt; these were found to be engaged in iron tool making, farming and to have well evolved social structures. In the more inhospitable western regions the Romans encountered the Picts and these were little more than savages, bodies painted with multi-coloured clays, dressed in animal skins, living in holes and caves and hunting and gathering being their sole occupation.
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This is an American depiction of the Pict Irish as low-life bullying thugs, always on the lookout for someone weaker to harass and rob. Here the Picts are shown ganging up on a Chinese immigrant hoping to exploit and rob him. Today in the UK many Irish Travellers have been convicted of kidnapping vulnerable people and keeping them confined as slaves. Not much difference between then and now. |
Eventually the Picts were almost entirely evicted from Britain and they made their way westwards to Ireland. And then in Ireland they were again pushed westwards into the infertile areas of Munster and Connaught. The lack of Picts in Great Britain is evidenced by the recent cerebral Scottish decision to remain in governmental and financial partnership with the other members of the United Kingdom. Ireland, on the contrary, due to the strong Pict influence, cut loose on its own in 1921 and ever since has been penuriously flailing around like a raft full of witless beggars drifting aimlessly on the high seas, to which the good ships European-Union and United-Kingdom often throw bundles of alms.
The reason why the Picts can’t be traced back to any particular area in Europe, Asia or Africa is because they’re not your normally evolved run-of-the mill racial grouping. This race didn’t evolve naturally – like all other races did – from banana powered brachiation to hunter-gathering to settled farming and into modernity. That is because the Picts were forged by ancient eugenics rather than by nature. All the Picts that are to be found today in Ireland are the descendents of slaves who had been kept by ancient civilisations, such as, Egypt, Greece, Osirian, Rama Empire, Aksum, Carthage, etc1.
These ancient slave owners in southern Europe, Asia and Africa – like farmers and horse breeders throughout time – experimented in a crude form of gene manipulation. If there was a shortage of strong slaves to do heavy labouring, or to partake in gladiatorial spectacles, the masters bred their biggest and strongest slaves with as many hardy females as possible. Sometimes they crossbred the numerous different racial groups they held captive just for the hell of it, to see if anything useful or amusing might be produced2.
There was also the debauchery of the slaves’ environment, where the alpha slaves would subdue and rape all around them. Thus you had a situation where offspring didn’t know, or care, who their siblings or cousins were and a vile regime of inbreeding began – incest, or breeding between siblings and cousins is still undertaken in Pict dominated areas of Ireland.
Right from their origins, as a newly manufactured separate racial entity, the Picts’ genes were closely intercorrelated. Inbreeding, once begun in tribes or groups, becomes inherently habitual, the partakers evolve a genetic predisposition to couple with close relations. An evolutionary reaction, as it were, to entice losers to breed themselves out of existence3.
When all these ancient civilisations fell the slaves were driven off and left to fend for themselves. They, due to their dissimilarity to all other races in Asia, Africa and Europe, found it extremely difficult to find a haven where they could pitch camp. The high levels of debauched crossbreeding and inbreeding made for unintelligence and unstableness; they didn’t fit in or weren’t wanted anywhere and eventually, with stones and arrows pursuing, they ended up in the mountainous western fringes of Europe and thence – with Cromwell hot on their heels – to western Ireland.
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Prognathic and slackjawed: The way the Pict Irish are nearly always viewed when they venture abroad. |
Today the Pict, particularly in their home areas in south-west and western Ireland, displays a debauchery and thickness that’s quite out of this world. Unfortunately for the Irish Celts outsiders are apt to judge the entire country on the basis of the Pict’s insane stupidity4.
And even today the Celts find that visitors and tourists to Ireland still tar all with the same brush. But it’s to be expected that tourists are not going to bother delving into Irish racial origins; when they encounter high numbers of slackjawed arseholes in Cork they’re going to think, “ah, so it’s true about the fatuous Irish,” and believe that the people two-hours drive to the north-east are no different.
The Picts will rail against criques such as above and excuse themselves by claiming that their criticisers are Britons who are annoyed at having lost control over Southern Ireland. That it’s only these people who have ever derogatorised the Irish (Picts), and that their sarcasm is driven by arrogance and jealously.
But when the Picts started showing up in large numbers in the United States during the mid nineteenth century they elicited an animosity that, at least, equaled anything that they received from their neighbours in western Europe.
As the images show, the western Irish Picts brought on themselves shame and ridicule wherever they went. And if today you were to spend some time living among the Picts in the west or south-west of Ireland you will very soon realise that all the hatred, ridicule and mockery that was directed at them was well deserved.
You’ll find that the Irish Picts are today every bit as bad as the bullying, thieving, backward and cowardly mongrel-types who brought endless ridicule and vituperation on themselves in the 18th and 19th centuries5. That they’re an ununderstandable people who have deep-rooted mental abnormalities. Fatuous freaks who couldn’t possibly have evolved naturally. Only centuries of crawling around in slave pits could have bred such as these.
Why the Irish done better in the United States than in the United Kingdom:
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Picts not wanted. |
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Nor here either. |
Below are just some of the Irish Pict’s insane acts of stupidity:
1When ancient civilisations are mentioned we’re inclined to think of Rome, Egypt and Greece but many more than just these three existed.
2Modern racing pigeons have their origins in experimentation or crude eugenics. People discovered that crossing different species of pigeon produced completely new species, some of which were good at finding their way back to a particular base. While some crossings were successful a lot were failures which produced no-good progeny that have since died off.
3A good example of a population reducing disease that’s caused by inbreeding is haemochromatosis, a blood disease that’s extremely prevalent along Ireland’s entire west coast. This genetic (inherited) disease has also been found in abundance in other inbreeding groups around the world.
4I’ve meet 10-year-olds in Europe who are better spoken and more intellectual than the average adult in Cork or Galway cities. And that’s not taking account of the extraordinary amounts of insanity and mental retardation to be found in these areas.
5If the British had bothered in the 18th and 19th centuries to differentiate between the Picts and the Celts their efforts to civilise the country would have been much easier. They didn’t, unfortunately; like most people today, they viewed them all as being simply Irish and therefore tarred all with the one brush. The Celts knew (like the Scots do) it was to their advantage to be aligned politically with the larger UK but this was at odds with the large number of idiotic Picts who thought otherwise. If the British had properly subdued and sorted out the Picts, Ireland today, like Wales and Scotland, would still be part of the UK.
Here’s a Pict who proves that Punch Magazine and Harper’s Weekly were correct in portraying the Pict-Irish as bullying and greedy thugs. WalesOnline reports how a Pict, Doran (common Pict-Irish name), kept a vulnerable man in slavery for over 13-years. He made his “slave” work 15-hour days, sleep in a leaking shack and wash in a cattle trough.
ReplyDeleteHow disgusting it is that nowadays, because of Political Correctness, the mainstream media can only expose these Pict bastards after they have been charged with a heinous crime. Back in the glory days of a free press, Harper’s Weekly and Punch Magazine could warn people about the Pict thugs before they got a chance to destroy somebody’s life.
Some unreal shit I just read. You are one twisted unit dude. And an extremely racist
DeleteThis is obviously a joke though some picts may have drifted over to ireland and got assimilated the majority of irish are gaelic 70% maybe ? the picts were of course celtic if you want to use such a term they probably spoke a language similar to welsh brytonic.