
Friday, 12 September 2014

Irish Examiner & chief letter writer Con Hayes, Tower, Blarney, Co Cork, Ireland.

Irish Examiner, one of Ireland mainstream broadsheets, prints halfwit’s letter

These people don’t know shame, nor never will.
Reproduced below is a (not so) wonderful letter that was printed in the Irish Examiner on 10 September, 2014. It’s, among other things, a nauseating diatribe against accusations of anti-Semitism from a chap, Con Hayes, who’s considered part of the intelligentsia in south-west Ireland.

Mr Hayes could well have overdosed on his encephalic meds prior to, and during, his putting together of this jeremiad against Jews, Zionism, Gr Britain and Churchill. A quick read through it, though, reveals that Con Hayes uses it more so to childishly flaunt his own superior intelligence, and relate his high status in Irish intelligentsia, rather than anything else.
In the first paragraph he lets us know his upper class status by castigating his peers for “intellectual laziness” while also letting us know they (and him of course) have “exceptional literary ability”. He then headmasterly uses the word “noxious” to chide them for cerebral slackness but again acknowledges their superior intellect with the addendum “all the worst for that.”

And he couldn't even start the second paragraph without further censuring the lazy: alludes to his colleagues as being superficial – this intellectual Paddy uses 66 words to get across the massage that his peers were being inattentive. Having let the riff-raff know he was a serious and authoritative letter writer, with influential colleagues, he gets down to business.
He then goes straight into a rant about the roots of Zionism, the perniciousness of imperial Britain and accuses Winston Churchill1 of having been “one neat package of racism”. He doesn’t bother attributing the quotes he cited to Beyond Chutzpah by Norman G. Finkelstein but this is unremarkable as members of the Oirish intelligentsia like to give impressions of esotericism.
What on earth has Winston Churchill or Britain got to do with whether Jew haters in modern-day Ireland can legitimately be classed as anti-Semites? Absolutely nothing is the answer. By needlessly insulting both Churchill’s and the British Empire’s legacy Con Hayes, and the Irish Examiner, displays an inherent humiliation at their own, and their country’s, absurd failure at self-governance, i.e., vitriolically and enviously lashing out at successful people and countries while trying to portray themselves as a formerly oppressed people who still suffer consequences of having been foreignly ruled, and thus simply having empathy with others who are downtrodden. Basicly a bunch of arseholes who still blame their loser status on having been occupied by Great Britain.
It’s clear from Hayes’ letter that, while he may have read Beyond Chutzpah he certainly didn’t digest (or get) much of it. He stupidly makes the claim that a quote he lifted from this book, “we deliberately and rightly decline to accept the principle of self-determination for the present inhabitants of Palestine, because the question of the Jews outside Palestine is one of world importance,” was part of the Balfour Declaration of November 1917.

The Balfour Declaration, November 1917.
In fact the Balfour Declaration of 1917 (reproduced right) states the exact opposite: “... it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine ….” (And of course it’s also kind of Con Hayes and the Irish Examiner to let us know that 1917 was “long before WW2”).

Con Hayes goes on to use 88 words to relate the fact that “indigenous people will resist alien settlers” – he’s clearly a Paddy who loves to hear himself talk. He then reasserts, again, the intellectualism of his peers (and himself) with such soundbites as “studied silence” and “eminent writers” before again scolding them for ignoring “historical realities”.
According to Hayes anyone who describes Jew haters as anti-Semites is pretending that the situation today in the Middle East doesn’t have historical origins – I don’t think the fucking idiot knows himself what he’s trying to say, and it might be news to him that every situation, be it good, bad or indifferent, has ancestry.

At last we get to the grand finale: Hayes, who’s a native of the world’s foremost loser country, advises that Israel’s survival depends upon a neighbourly sourced redemption. It’s as if he actually believes there’s no terrorist organisation, Hamas, operating on Israel’s borders. He then completes his puerile bombast with a belletristic flourish, “in the land between the Mediterranean and the river Jordan,” a sentence, he’d view as, putting him in the realms of Wordsworth and Shakespeare,

Believe it or not, Con Hayes is in the higher echelons of Ireland’s south-western intelligentsia and is revered among the pseudo intellectuals who inhabit this part of Ireland. Be that as it may, what’s really alarming in that the Irish Examiner, a mainstream Irish broadsheet who counts the Irish Times and Irish Independent as its main national rivals, could make space for a 395 word inane bombast from a halfwitted idiot – it’s disgusting that these witless Cork city journalists didn’t even bother checking the veracity of what the moronic Con Hayes falsely put forward as fact.
____________________________________ 1 Winston Churchill is solely responsible for instigating the downfall of the Nazis. As such he saved the Jewish people of Europe and Asia from complete genocide. It’s disgusting to see these losers and self-appointed elitists in provincial Ireland drag his memory into an inane Irish dispute about whether the thousands of current Irish Jew haters are actually anti-Semites.

An extremely fatuous letter that the Irish Examiner saw fit to print. Is this evidence of general Irish stupidity, or what?

1 comment:

  1. I’m most surprised that the Oirish examiner had the guts to print a letter from Martin D. Stern that refers to Con Hayes’ stupidity and their readerships’ general ignorance.

    Here’s a quote from Mr Stern’s letter: ‘So Mr Hayes’s letter itself “bears no relationship to the reality experienced by the Palestinians of Haifa in 1947/48” and is merely mendacious propaganda put out by those who rely on your reader’s lack of knowledge of the facts to malign Israel.’

    Perhaps some temp in the Examiner office will get the chop for letting that slip through.
