
Thursday, 4 September 2014

Darragh Wiseman, An Post, Albert Rd, Cork and his Twitter posts

Irish postal worker posts pornographic pictures on his Twitter account
Wiseman’s Twitter profile shows a debauchery and
prurience that is common to south-west Ireland.
Darragh Wiseman shows the world his true mentality as well as displaying what an absolute arsehole he is with his inane Twitter posts
Wiseman has a reputation that warns he’s a danger to young boys and as such his shamelessness in posting pictures of naked lads arses on Twitter is alarming.
This Cork man, along with a coterie of his cronies, went once to a youth football match in Dublin. It’s been reported that while there he and his friends were warned numerous times to keep away from youths they were seemingly attempting to groom.
Wiseman, who is about fortyish, had again-and-again approached young football supporters who were about 9- or 10-years-of-age and attempted to dominate them. Some of these youths, being hard-edged Dublin kids, had loudly yelled at him to fuck-off.
The story goes that Wiseman and his cronies didn’t get the message to fuck-off until a number of dads were called to the scene; eventually Wiseman and his friends, after suffering bruises, scampered off with their tails between their legs.
Darragh Wiseman’s posting of this picture shows what a disgusting childishly dangerous bastard he is.
One of the fathers involved in the fracas said that Wiseman’s looks alone, his disgusting demeanour and way of acting showed there was something seriously wrong with him mentally wise. Quite right he was, I’ve seen and experienced this arsehole and to say he’s a freak is an understatement.
It’s not surprising that Wiseman finds posting pictures of lad’s arses amusing and the text that accompanies it, “get your hand out of my bum Davey you rascal,” shows how he associates this pronographic picture with adolescents – a Freudian slip as it were.
In rural Ireland “rascal” is an endearing term for a mildly mischievous child and pederasts will often, in order to project a father-like image, use this term when trying to subdue or groom them.
Just goes to show that like a leopard can’t change his spots a pederast like Darragh Wiseman will never be able to fully hide his freakish tendencies.

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