No contractual or moral inducements towards prudent behaviour
Around the periphery is the PSI’s Gaughan, Stokes, Reilly, Kinsella, hAodh, McGoldrick, Bryan, Nestor, Hogan. The chap in the middle is a representation of their collective mentality. |
A good indicator of the mentality and mannerisms of a company’s staff is often got by observing its management. If the top-dogs prove competent and mannerly then, usually, the lower tiers of staff will be likewise.
The old adage which relates how birds of a feather flock together is still very prevalent in human societies. When you encounter an arsehole standing behind a shop’s till or manning a reception their superiors, in the majority of cases, will also be uncouth imbeciles.
The Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland (PSI), that is supposed to oversee Irish pharmaceutical employees, is one of those managerial teams that confirms the above adage’s relevancy.
Having had communication from this Society I’m in no doubt that they’re arrogant and socially inept bastards – typical Paddies who wouldn’t be capable of regulating a cake baking contest, or wiping their butts without getting shit all over themselves.
And, just as above maxim suggests, their underlings in the Irish pharmaceutical sector tend also to be ignoramus morons with an inherent sense of self-importance. Cork City pharmacies, for instance, is packed full of grade-inflated, incompetent, arrogant and slack-jawed imbeciles.
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Pamela O'Sullivan's inbred and unstable conduct led to complaint. |
Arrogance is part-and-parcel of grade-inflated Ireland; when the slack-jawed inbred Paddy gets his or her inflated exam-results it immediately imbues them with a god-like conceitedness.
The few who don’t avail of grade-inflation get around failure by cheating, as a case a short time ago in Cork proved. What happened here was that students undertaking an exam had a virtual library set up in a nearby toilet, which they visited at will in order to research awkward posers – knowing the Paddies like I do 96 percent of the questions would have been very awkward. While this was happening the Irish invigilator was probably sat there massaging his or her genitalia and fantasizing about a niece of nephew.
My contact with the PSI stemmed from a complaint I made about the conduct of a Boots the Chemist’s manager, Pamela O’Sullivan,1 in Merchants Quay, Cork City. This unstable and incompetent bitch’s psychotic dementedness and sense of self-importance would hardly be found in the most deranged lunatic asylum inmate.
I have no doubt, whatsoever, that this backward unstable nincompoop would not be tolerated in any pharmacy outside of Ireland. And if she were assessed by a competent psychiatrist (anyone other than the Irish would find her loony) she’d be found too unhinged and dumb to be in any type of care-based employment – a mop and bucket would be this mongrel’s forté.
The PSI responded to my complaint by sending me a curt note stating that Pamela O’Sullivan didn’t warrant being complained about; they finished this note by informing me that “the matter is now closed”. Every character in this letter emits an arrogant imbecility and, to me at least, proves the infinite reputation the Irish have for stupidity and backwardness is quite correct rather than being slanderous.
It’s normal practice for Pharmaceutical and Medical Organisations, due to the serious nature of their underling’s work (society’s health and well-being), to relay to a complainant the defendant's side of the argument. It's natural and ethical to let the complainer know what the complainee might have to say in their defence. So I thus, again, wrote to the PSI expressing doubt that they had competently investigated my complaint, and requested that they relate to me Pamela O’Sullivan’s response.
How do you think the PSI replied to my second correspondence? The answer to this is, they didn’t. That’s right, the fucking backward Paddies didn’t make any response whatsoever to my second letter, or my third. The shameless fucking bastards completely ignored both, and a number of subsequent emails.
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Googles’ listing of Margaret
Swaine’s death. |
With blatant coarseness and incompetence like this it's no wonder that Margaret Swaine was killed (poisoned) by a stupid Irish pharmacist who gave her the wrong medication. It’s very hard to find anything about this death online as the Irish endeavor to remove all articles that show them for the backward mongrels that the are.
And one of their methods is to erase all trace of their imbecility, such as Margaret Swaine’s death: they cover such deaths in the inner pages of newspapers, and leave no digital traces whatsoever.
What’s not generally known about this case is that the death-dealing pharmacist, after being suspended because of Ms Swaine’s death, was found a day later working in a neighbouring chemist: as reported by the Irish Daily Mail, who have a very limited online presence and archive. Quite outrageous that this incompetent pharmacist could cause the death of a person and then, before any investigation is conducted, be given work a couple of streets away.
What a neck2 this pharmacist had, and what shocking disregard the second pharmacy showed in employing her without any checks. I don’t think this type of stupidity could happen anywhere else in the world? The majority of native Oirish newspapers didn’t even relate this outrageous aftermath of a person’s killing. Everything about it stinks of a hunter-gatherer’s psychology.
Donal Kelleher is another person who was killed as a result of visiting an Irish pharmacy: he was poisoned, like Margaret Swaine, by a pharmacist who dispensed the wrong medication.
It’s no exaggeration to say that a patient would be far safer visiting a jungle witch-doctor than going to an Irish pharmacy. How many deaths like these have occurred in Ireland which have received but scant media coverage – a head-in-the-sand attitude that ensures no traces are left online, deaths that the general public will never know about due to the mongrelism of the Irish media?
With these two deaths as a backdrop it’s shocking that the PSI could treat a complaint about an unstable pharmacist (Pamela O’Sullivan) with the consideration and professionalism that’d be expected from a sink-estate thug. It seems the PSI wouldn’t suffer much of a downgrade if its staff were replaced by cocaine-addicted baboons3.
I’m surprised that Boots the Chemist4 would employ mongrel bitches like Pamela O’Sullivan and Anne O’Brien. But then, in Ireland, they’re operating in what’s little more than a cesspit-society – although, in the least, they should make some attempt to civilise these fuckers.
A major problem for Boots in Cork City is the inbred and backward population5. Here persons of even mediocre normality are simply not available for employment. South-west Ireland has an inherently coarse population that engages in chronic inbreeding; this coupled with a backward educational system severely obstructs the acquisition of capable employees.
But Boots could go outside this area to source competent and stable workers, although if they did they’d have to pay well above the average because normal people are reluctant to live in this backward hell-hole – in Cork City you’d be subjected 24/7 to pugnacious inbred bastards.
Then there’s Boots’ Irish management: to say they’re far below the European norm would be the century’s understatement. I’m not exaggerating when I say that the Paddies (such as Josephine Byrne) who run Boots’ Irish operation have the management skills (and mentality) of sink-estate morons – the type of people who persistently keep the Irish top of the stupidity league.
It’s outrageous that Boots management in the UK allow the mongrelised backward Irish management do as it pleases. As everyone knows: when Paddies do as they please fucked-up disasters is the result6. Think of the uproar there’d be if Boots opened a pharmacy in a Third World-esque area and employed Stone Age tribes-people who were both incompetent and mentally unbalanced.
And these half-witted employees commenced a mission of abuse and aggressiveness. No one would listen to excuses about the native management, in this primeval place, being responsible. Instead Boots would be shamed into taking matters in hand and ensuring patients of this pharmacy were not being put in danger.
The way of the fucking Oirish isn’t far removed from how a Neanderthal tribe would conduct their affairs. A primeval mongrelised mentality holds sway in places like Cork, and in Irish institutions like the PSI. Boots the Chemist shouldn’t allow these backward bastards to endanger people’s lives, or diminish their name or business.
1An interesting thing about Irish inbreeding and surnames: O’Sullivan is Ireland’s most numerous surname, numerically it’s way ahead of other common Irish names. What’s telling about this is that 98% of people in the Republic of Ireland with this surname are to be found in the Cork and Kerry regions (south-west Ireland). The mongrel natives in south-west Ireland don’t like to travel too far when they want a shag or a spouse: the half-sister next door or the first cousin just up the road will do quite nicely, thank you. This is why you’ll see groups of people in rural Ireland (Cork, Kerry, Limerick, Galway and Mayo) who look as if they were cloned from a single specimen – you could fill a football stadium in south-west Ireland and, quite rightly, think they all had the same parents.2Just a day later this pharmacist is working within a couple of hundred metres of where they had killed someone. Reptilian hearted bastard or what?
3Boots’ Irish management and members of the PSI, no doubt, meet regularly at social events and attend soirees at each others residences – slack-jawed Paddies trying to be aristocrats. Any problems with uppity complainants would be sorted out between gulps of whiskey: “yatt’s ratte Micky, yeah begorrah, till em fuck-off”.
4Basically an employer in this part of Ireland is stuck with baboon-like unstable halfwits such as Pamela O’Sullivan and Anne O’Brien – and even if this pair of cunts were fired the replacements would, more-than-likely, be just as coarse and unstable.
5This is why Dell Computers fired 1500 slack-jawed employees and closed its plant in south-west Ireland – they moved to where the population isn't 98% moronic.
6Thousands of houses that were “built” in Ireland during the Noughties had to be bulldozed. Too unsafe to enter; the arseholes used pyrite as foundation material. Stoneage tribes-men could tell you that pyrite was not suitable. And the Paddies constantly brag about what fine builders they are. Go fucking figure.
That inbreeding link was for Northern Ireland buddy haha.
ReplyDeleteHa ha, thanks :-)