
Tuesday, 19 March 2013

European newspaper that’s been influenced by Cork citizens.

No point in rating Ireland for broadband, or anything else for that matter.

This graph and article, by James Titcomb in a European newspaper might be interesting as regards Ireland or rather the lack thereof.   

That this chart was produced in March may explain the blurring out of the Irish republic.  It was, you see, getting close to St Patrick’s Day and this would, undoubtedly, have influenced the creator. 

He/she would have had flash-backs to previous Marches and all the Irish that they would have encountered staggering around in urine soaked clothes, and wearing idiotic green hats. The shouts, roars and general riotous behaviour of these people would have traumatized the chart designer.  

And it again being near St Patrick’s Day would mean that he/she was fearful of meeting these people again, and this fear would have induced panic attacks.

Their way of dealing with this extreme fear was to eclipse Ireland in an attempt to block out the source of their horror.   

So you see, the compiler of this chart is not biased towards Ireland: he/she is just very afraid

f, by chance, you’re training monkeys you might like this exercise. 

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