
Thursday, 21 February 2013


The bitch who manages the pharmacy fixes tractors every tuesday

Don't waste your time and money in Ireland?

A wonderful review of Brides les Bains by Elle Blakeman. The journalist astutely expounds the virtues of this ski resort while including a warning about the type of backwardness that Oireland has to offer.  
How true to mention in regards Ireland that: ‘the pharmacist is also the butcher, and the local mechanic on Tuesdays’.
I know from personal experience in Cork and Kerry that if an Oirish person can tell the difference between a cows head and arse then they’re considered qualified as pharmacists.  
The Oirish pharmacists/butchers/mechanics I’ve come across have all the decency and civility of reptiles that have been overdosed on amphetamines.
They’d have no qualms about shouting all over town about what type of medication so-and-so has been taking; and what local woman might have had a miscarriage or a mental breakdown – and mental breakdowns are very common in rural Oireland.
Pay heed to Elle Blakeman and holiday in Brides les Bains, or any-fucking-where there mightn't be Paddies.

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