
Friday, 26 August 2011


A slack-jawed moronic postal worker who's more than at home in south-west Ireland

Ian Spillane, a local paedo teacher,
who's a very good friend of this
postal worker in Albert Road.
It's rumoured they stalk
children together.
I couldn’t believe the utter coarseness and idiocy of the postmaster I encountered in this sub-post office, at Albert Road, Cork city, Ireland.
Darragh Wiseman is the sole postal employee in this office and acts towards customers with a simian aggressiveness that wouldn’t be out of place in a Neanderthal era jungle (albeit, his moronism fits very well in Cork).
As a result I complained to An Post (which is more than a little like complaining to a gypsy woman about her offspring’s drunkenness) about his stupid conduct; and made a mental note to avoid this post office and the slack-jawed imbecilic postmaster in future.
And in ordinary parts of the world this would be the end of it. But this post office is in Cork city and here things or events never pan-out in a rational manner; due to the native's irrationality being constantly down-graded by inbreeding. I subsequently encountered this slackjawed idiotic bastard in a nearby filling station, and he, being obviously upset about my complaint, decided to berate and threaten me.
Post Office, Albert Rd, Cork city where the witless Darragh Wiseman holds sway.
And, lo-and-behold, with all the niceties of an enraged hyena this is exactly what he proceeded to do. It didn’t, though, go as he had planned and he was soon yelping like a mongrel dog and fleeing across the station’s forecourt.  
But what stunned me about his attempt at bullying was the irrationality and unstableness he displayed when he realised it wasn’t going to go his way.
His double act of Neanderthal imbecility is somewhat in keeping with an Irish Daily Mail article by Dr Pixie McKenna. Her piece was about haemochromatosis (symptoms include too much iron in the blood) and this disease’s prevalence among consanguineous populations, i.e., it's extremely high rates in south-west Ireland – it's breeding with cousins and siblings that's the major cause of this disease.
Being originally from south-west Ireland, and having recently holidayed there, Dr McKenna gave special emphasis to the disease in this region. To paraphrase her, she told of: how haemochromatosis is more widespread among peoples with a close-knit gene pool; and the figures are there to back this up.
The estimated number of cases in normal Caucasian populations is 2 in 1,000; and the number of cases in populations with a closed gene pool, such as south-west Ireland, is 1 in 83.
So it’s clear that consanguinity causes serious medical problems. And considering the countless aggressive morons like Darragh Wiseman to be found in south-west Ireland it's also clear that blood diseases are the least of their problems. Inbreeding also causes mental functions to be severely decreased and leaves its practitioners with mental facilities that's no better than baboons.

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